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((AN; this one shot is very depressing. Sorry :/ it just kinda happened. Character death at the end. Oh and it's Taehyung's POV))

A sigh escapes my nose as I stare around at my dark room, it's night time. Technically very early morning, I'm listening to the same song on repeat and day dreaming of the day when I'll finally be free of this monotone life. Over achieving younger brother whom everyone loves, parents who argue behind closed doors, friends who only text when they have a problem and never ask how am I doing. It all adds up after so long. Relationships crack and shatter little by little, and now I find my self numb. Void of all emotion. I just want to run, run until my lungs collapse and my legs give way beneath my weight. Why couldn't my life have been one of those simple happy go lucky lives that so many people are lucky to have?? I had to be born different! Out of all of the people obsessed with current movies and tv shows, I had to like anime and foreign music.

I've never been normal. It's actually laughable how weird I've been. No wonder everyone loves Jungkook more, I've had people look right through me as if I was ghost, only to walk over to my younger brother and smile to him. I've had life long friends tell me how cool they think Jungkook is, then later ditch me for cooler friends. He's even stolen crushes away from me, but of course he doesn't even realize what he's doing. He's too innocent to be intentionally malicious, which is almost worse than doing it on purpose. Because if he doesn't know what he's doing wrong, how can I say anything? He's got a sweet girlfriend that cares about him a lot, but he only stays with her to occupy his time while he day dreams about Jimin. Oh and I'm not aloud to like Hoseok either, because Jungkook still has a crush on him from years ago. Is nothing mine in this world?

No, it's not. I haven't earned anything, I have no talents or special traits. Why should I deserve any of the things Jungkook has? I'm afraid I've been reduced to a mere spectator, unable to stop fate as it washes me away to the background. I roll off my bed, landing on my feet and silently walking to the medicine cabinet. My hands tremble as I open the door to snatch a bottle of sleeping pills away from its resting place, quickly popping the cap off. A quick gaze at my reflection reminds me of why I don't belong. I was made from dust, and I shall return to dust regardless of the life I live. It makes no difference if I was popular and loved, it will all be for not when I'm gone. No one will remember me anyways, why bother? In a flash I've poured a handful of the pills into my palm, and cram them into my mouth then swallow. I'll bet no one will even miss me until tomorrow evening after school when they call me for dinner. My feet carry me to my bed where I make myself comfortable in the covers. The blankets always shielded me from the worlds harsh realities, and now, it will cover me as I pass into whatever after life awaits. I don't feel afraid as my eyes began to feel heavy, maybe I will finally find peace on the other side. Heaven may be out of my reach, but hell is too harsh, I'm not bad person right? Maybe there will be a place in between for people like me, people who weren't made for the world's harsh methods. Teenagers who never fulfilled their youth. My last rational thoughts, are of the good memories I have of Jin, Namjoon, Yoongi, Jimin, Hoseok, myself and even Jungkook when we were all friends in middle school. Times were simpler then, maybe instead of an after life I can just travel back in time to that point and remain there for eternity. Whatever fate awaits me, comes rushing in within moments and my vision fades to black.

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