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Yoongi growled, slapping the younger man's hand away, causing Namjoon to laugh hysterically "come on I've gotta put make up on you, otherwise you'll still look like a dude!" Yoongi rolled his eyes, glaring harshly at their other friend Hoseok "why do I have to do this again?!" Hoseok shrugged, taking a picture of the older's outfit "you lost a bet Yoongi hyung, you swore you'd do this" Namjoon nodded "he's right. You can't back out now! Besides we've already got the outfit and wig on you, just let me do your make up!" Yoongi shook his head "hell no. Neither of you dimwits know anything about make up, call Taehyung, either he does my make up or I'm not wearing any" Hoseok huffed, grumbling irritatedly before dialing Taes number.

Yoongi stood up from the kitchen counter, trying to ignore the fact that he was currently wearing a sleek black dress that reached just above his knees, the entire back dipping into a V shape, with a loosely draped neck line to mask the fact that he didn't exactly have breasts. He had to admit, it was pretty convincing, especially paired with the long curly mint green wig that happened to match his real hair perfectly. He realized with a sigh that he looked a lot like a flat chested pale woman. If only he hadn't lost the bet he'd made with his friends about who could drink more beer, he wouldn't be in this mess. They'd all agreed that the loser had to crossdress, and actually get a guy at the club to leave with him. And Yoongi had lost, badly. Minutes later, Taehyung let himself into Yoongi's apartment with a grin "Yoongi hyung you look pretty good!" Yoongi sighed "whatever. Just do my make up" Taehyung shrugged, quickly setting up his make up kit and getting to work with a grin. See, in Yoongi's group of friends, Namjoon was his best friend, and Hoseok was the fun guy that often made them leave their houses and got them in trouble. Taehyung was a friend of Hoseok's, a friend that just so happened to be openly gay, and cross dressed occasionally just for fun.

An hour later, and Taehyung stood with a grin "done! You look pretty good hyung!" Yoongi stood up, giving himself a once over before nodding with a sigh "whatever. Let's just get this over" Hoseok smirked, handing Yoongi his matching purse with a teasing tone "don't forget your purse darling" Yoongi growled, aching to slap the smirk right off the younger's face, until Namjoon spoke up "alright, there's pepper spray in your purse, not that you'll need it but just in case. Me and Hoseok are gonna be at the club to keep an eye on you" Yoongi nodded, heading to the front door until Taehyung whined from the kitchen "I wanna go!! Hoseok hyung take me with you!" Hoseok sighed "I don't know Tae.. You're not really dressed for a night out" Taehyung pouted, folding his arms across his chest "I can change, it won't take but twenty minutes tops, please hyung??" Hoseok caved at the begging tone laced in the cute younger boys voice, grumbling "fine. I'll wait on you, Namjoon you guys can go on ahead. We'll meet you there" Namjoon nodded, holding his arm out for Yoongi to take "my lady?" Yoongi rolled his eyes, punching Namjoon's arm roughly before they headed out the door.

Hoseok had walked down the hall to Taehyung's apartment, and once they were inside Hoseok sat on the couch while the younger got dressed. He played on his phone for a moment before looking around the apartment and biting his lip. Taehyung was becoming a bit of a problem lately, because Hoseok was straight and Taehyung wasn't, but there was something about the younger that was making him fall head over heels quick. Soon he was snapped out of his thoughts when Taehyung's bedroom door opened to reveal Taehyung, his hair messily styled with glitter and pink streaks of dye in it, light girlish make up, denim shorts and a pink T shirt that read 'hot mess' in glitter. Hoseok swallowed thickly, forcing down a blush before standing up "r-ready?" Taehyung smirked, grabbing Hoseok's jacket sleeve "sure am. What's with you? Like what you see oppa?" Hoseok did blush this time, stuttering for a comeback.

Meanwhile at the club, Yoongi and Namjoon were seated at the bar, talking despite the loud music. Yoongi downed another shot with an exasperated sigh "this is miserable. How do girls wear this stuff? The dress is making it hard to breath, my hair is getting on my nerves and it's so hot in here that it feels like my face is melting off! Stupid make up!" Namjoon chuckled, shaking his head "you'll be fine. You look good. Whenever Hoseok gets here, the mission starts. If you can't get a guy by the end of the night, we'll come back every night until you do." Yoongi huffed "yeah yeah I know. Just buy me another drink, maybe I can get drunk enough to forget this ever happened" several minutes passed by before Hoseok finally walked up to the bar, Taehyung right behind him. But to everyone's surprise, Tae leaned his elbows on the bar, cooing in an alluring tone "hey Mac, can I get my usual?" The bartender nodded "sure thing Taeyon" Tae smirked, turning to face his friends to see them staring with mouths agape "what? I come here a lot! It's not illegal, oh and call me Tae or Taeyon tonight. Since I'm a girl for the night Oppas~" Yoongi glanced over his shoulder to look behind him, staring at Hoseok with a quirked eyebrow in question. Hoseok slapped his forehead, groaning "I can't take this. You just think you're being tortured Yoongi hyung..." The older took a little joy in knowing he wouldn't be the only one miserable, and smirked "good luck with Taeyon~" Hoseok sighed, waving as Yoongi slowly made his way across the dance floor.

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