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AN; another request :3

Jungkook regrets a lot of things, one of which being homeschooled. He should've demanded that his parents send him to either a private or public school but he hadn't. Now he's in twelfth grade, a senior with no big class trip, a graduation, or a prom to look forward to. And to add insult to injury, he's somehow ended up dating a guy that's about to graduate college. There's five years between the two of them, and Jungkook hates it. Mostly because he doesn't know things that most kids his age do. He's obnoxiously innocent in every sense of the word, and it's caused a lot of awkwardness between himself and his boyfriend Jin. Like, for example, last week the two had been cuddling, something totally innocent and fluffy, until Jin had decided to kiss Jungkooks ear for the first time, Jungkook had instantly flinched away with wide eyes "why are you trying to eat my ear???" Jin had immediately started laughing, much to Jungkooks dismay.

Jungkook is about to text his older, more pervy, and only real friend, Taehyung and demand for him to explain everything to him in order to avoid future incidents of humiliation. Just as he's created the chat, and sent a simple text reading 'hey hyung' a knock echoes from the front door downstairs and Jungkook knows that it's Jin. Oddly enough his parents had somewhat approved of their relationship, despite sheltering Jungkook his entire life, they allowed him the joy of dating who he liked. Well, they had gradually come around to see it that way. At first they'd been angry, wondering where they went wrong in his upbringing but eventually they'd seen the error of their ways. Jungkook tosses his phone on the nightstand and rushes downstairs to see Jin walking in, smiling and talking to Jungkook's mother. The younger smiles and walks over "hey, I didn't know you were coming by today.." Jin shrugs, ruffling his hair playfully "last minute kind of thing. Some friends are going out to the mall, will you tag along?" Jungkook bites the inside of his lip, shifting from foot to foot in uncertainty, he doesn't like big groups of people, especially ones he doesn't know that we'l. Jin senses the younger's anxiety and slings an arm over his shoulders "it's not a big group. Just Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok, and Jimin. You can invite Taehyung if you want. I'm sure they won't mind, besides, I think Hobi's got a little crush on him~" Jungkook snorts, smiling and on the verge of laughing "alright. I'll text him, thank you Jin hyung.." Jin smiles, placing a quick kiss to the younger's temple. Even though the Jeons approve of them, they still try to keep the affection on the down low, in hopes of not creating an awkward atmosphere. Jungkook quickly shoots his best friend a text asking him to meet them at the mall in an hour, and Jin leads Jungkook outside while the younger shouts a quick goodbye to his parents. Once they're downstairs, Jin tosses Jungkook the keys with a grin "you just got your license, and I know you've been wanting to take my beetle bug for a spin~" Jungkook rolls his eyes, tossing the keys back "i'd rather eat garbage than be caught driving your ridiculous car Jin hyung." Jin scoffs, acting offended but climbs in the drivers seat of his pink beetle bug regardless, asking demandingly "well what kind of car do you want to drive?" Jungkook climbs in, getting buckled and rolling his eyes "I don't know. A manly car I guess." Jins eyebrows furrow in confusion, picking up on Jungkooks inner anxieties instantly "you've never had a problem with your masculinity before. Why the sudden want for a manly car? Is mine not good enough?" Jungkook sighs, shaking his head "it's not that hyung. It's nothing, don't worry about it." Jin pouts slightly, but seeing as the younger doesn't budge, he starts the car and pulls away from the curb.

It's ten minutes later when they're stopped at a red light when it suddenly clicks inside Jin's mind. He turns to stare at the brunette, frowning "you feel like you're too innocent don't you.." It's not a question, more of a statement, and Jungkook visibly stiffens. Silence hangs in the air, until Jungkook, who's been staring straight ahead to avoid eye contact this entire time, points to the light "it's green, hyung." Jin sighs, shaking it off and driving through the light. Just a few minutes pass and Jin is parking at the mall. He quickly kills the engine and grabs Jungkook by the hand before he can exit the car "Kookie, look at me." Jungkook turns to look at the older, huffing slightly "don't tell me what to do just because I'm younger than you!" Jin rolls his eyes, glaring slightly "Jungkook, you aren't too innocent or whatever you've got in your head, I love you just the way you are. You're more than man enough, now stop acting like a pissy teenager and kiss me!" Jungkook growls, quickly reaching across the cab to grab the back of Jin's head and pull him into a kiss. They've kissed plenty of times, but they've always been shy and innocent with Jin usually taking the lead. But this is different, Jungkook's fingers are tangled into the older's pink hair, tugging roughly and craning Jins neck to the side to roughly kiss him. Jins gripping the fabric of the younger's shirt, submitting into the kiss and letting Jungkook lead. The younger mirrors what he's felt Jin do in the past, alternating between biting and tugging at the older's plush bottom lip, and gaining a little confidence, licks his way into the older's mouth to earn a quiet moan. After several seconds Jungkook pulls away, blinking slowly at the sight of Jin's now kiss swollen lips and smirking a little. Jin clears his throat, attempting to fix his disheveled hair and flashing the brunette a grin "not bad." Jungkook rolls his eyes, but the shit eating grin on his lips is priceless and suddenly he feels a lot more confident. Jin takes the key out and tries to calm his racing heart beat "Kookie, that was pretty damn great." Jungkook leans over to peck the older's cheek, still grinning widely "thanks. I learned from the best."

The teasing never ends when they finally meet up with the others in the food court, remarks of "Look at Jin hyungs lips!" And "wow Kookie finally kissed him!" But Jungkook can't really bring himself to care because he finally feels like it doesn't matter how sheltered he is, Jin is patient and caring enough to teach him and guide him through the awkward parts.

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