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Finally turning 21 was both the greatest, and worst time of my life. Because while I felt like I'd finally become an official adult after finishing basic courses at my local college, my parents thought other wise. I'd told them my plans to attend college for the arts next, majoring in song writing, but exploded. They told me it would be a waste of money, then they kicked me out.

A sigh escapes my lips as I continue my journey away from what was my home town mere hours ago. No one had bothered to stop, who would? I had mint green hair, ripped jeans, and a leather jacket. People were probably scared to pick me up. All of my personal belongings were the clothes on my back, a heavy duffel bag, and my back pack. When i'd been kicked out, I was only allowed to take the things I'd bought with my money, which meant I had very few items. Luckily I was able to take all of my CDs, iPod, headphones and notebooks full of songs that I'd written.

I hear another car rapidly approaching, and I lazily hold my thumb out in a weak attempt to flag down a ride. To my surprise however, the car slows to a stop and the passenger window roles down to reveal a smiling boy not much younger than me, with black hair and smile as bright as the sun itself. I blink in surprise, leaning against the door to peer into the pastel green and white vintage Volkswagen van "you stopped" I said blankly, earning a chuckle from him "well yeah I'm not gonna leave someone beside the road. Besides, you don't look much older than me, what harm could you do?" I roll my eyes with a small smirk "I could be a serial killer for all you know" the boy grinned, leaning across to open the door for me "you're not, I can tell by your eyes" I quirk an eyebrow, scoffing softly "how can you tell by that?" He shrugged, waiting for me to climb in "I just can. Do you want a ride or not?" I shrug, he is the only person who bothered to stop, and besides its not like I care what happens to me. So o reluctantly climb into his van, setting my feel between my legs and holding my back pack in my lap.

I glanced over my shoulder to look into the back of the van, he'd clearly been living in it. I then face forward, glancing to my left at him before asking "so what's your name?" He smiled, resuming his drive "Hoseok, you?" I gaze out the window, watching as the tree blur by "Yoongi. How old are you?" He adjusted the air condition before answering "I'm nineteen. You?" I shrug "just turned twenty-one.." Silence took over for a few moments before he asked cautiously "where are you headed?" I bit the inside of my mouth in thought, I didn't have much of a plan, just that I didn't want to live in the same city with my parents a second longer "oh um.. Actually I don't know, parents kicked me out so I just packed my shit and started walking.. Thanks for picking me up" I feel his pity filled gaze and I frown "look life's unfair, I don't want anyone's pity so if you've got a probl-" he quickly cuts me off by yelping "no! No no, that's not it. I don't know where I'm going either.. My parents died in a car accident when I was a kid so I grew up in an orphanage, as soon as I was old enough to work I got three part time jobs to save up for gas to leave..." I blink in surprise, turning to stare at him "how long have you been traveling?" He smiles, obvious sadness behind it "just over a year, it's been tough, and I've had to do some things I'm not proud of for money... But I like drifting.." I nod, smiling genuinely "I know how you feel.. I've always wanted to just wander around the world without answering to anyone.." He smiled, reaching over to pay my shoulder "well now you can, if you want, because I've been super lonely"

I nod, looking back out the window, things are actually looking up for me.

~Six years later~

As my eyes lock onto one of the many stars above me, I feel Hoseok shift beside me. We'd stopped in California near some woods, laying out a blanket to sleep under the stars. I've been traveling with Hoseok ever since we met, and I couldn't be any happier. He's my best friend, and my other half. I feel his head shift to rest in the crook of my neck and I lean into the embrace with a grin "are you cold or something?" He nods, making me chuckle "you're always cold love" he chuckles against my neck, causing me to shiver slightly "well you're always hot. Ahh whatever I'm going to sleep, love you Yoongi" I smile and peck his forehead "I love you to Hoseok, sleep well"

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