Thank God for an old car

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First dates had always been important to Kim Seokjin, they were a first impression and he'd always analyzed every detail he could. Sure past boyfriends had started with the perfect first date but slowly decayed. He still trusted the system though, even when he was asked out by a total stranger, who seemed like the bad boy type. He had only gone into the music store to find a CD for his friends birthday, Jin hadn't expected to be asked out by the deep voiced cashier. Jin initially thought that the date would be disastrous, given their opposite personalities. But he couldn't have been wronger.

{the date}

Jin had of course given the man his number, and both decided
to meet up mutually somewhere since they hadn't met before. Namjoon could've been a crazy murdere for all he knew, or the other way around. Jin actually found himself nervous as he parked his 2004 Chevy Malibu at Crescent Moon, the restaurant they had decided on. Jin checked his hair and eyeliner in the mirror of his car, taking a deep breath before leaning across to lock all four doors manually, mumbling curses at the worn out car under his breath. He yelped in surprise when he opened the door to see Namjoon already standing there with a smirk. Jin blushed slightly, climbing out of his car, slamming the door "don't scare me like that.." Namjoon chuckled, noticing the others pink sweater "hey we match" he pointed to his hair, Jin blushed again, mentally cursing 'how could I forget his hair is pink?! Now he's going to think I'm a stalker or something!' "Oh, uh yeah I guess we do" he forced a laugh "I forgot your hair was pink. I wore this because it's my favorite color.." Namjoon smirked, nodding "sure thing. Ready to go in?" Jin nodded surely, glancing back at his car to check that the doors were locked. Namjoon held the door open, smiling genuinely which made Jin blink in surprise, he had adorable little dimples.

Namjoon took the lead, nervously telling the waiter he needed a table for two. Jin followed the taller man to their table, and sat across from his date with a small smile "so.. Tell me about yourself?" Namjoon leaned back in his seat, grinning "well I work at the music store, as you know, and I write songs as a hobby." Jin's eyes widened in surprise again "really? Do you sing?" The other rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly admitting "um no not exactly, I rap. I work at a friends studio part time, and the music store part time." Jin smiled "wow, sounds like you're very passionate about music.." Namjoon smiled thoughtfully, gazing at his glass of water "it's my life.." Namjoon shrugged, continuing to ask "what about you?" Jin smiled, looking off "I work at a bakery, a coffee shop, and a smoothie place." Namjoon's eyes widened "three jobs?! You're crazy. Great, I'm on a date with an insane guy. But you're cute so I guess it's alright" Namjoon winked, making Jin blush and scoff "I'm not crazy. I need the money, I'm working on opening my own restaurant.." Namjoon smirked widely "wow. You must love cooking." Jin smirked right back, mimicking the others previous words "it's my life" he shrugged, earning a laugh from the pink haired man. Namjoon shook his head, still laughing slightly "you're funny. Do you drink?" Jin stiffened, contemplating. He had a rule about alcohol on the first date... But he reluctantly caved "wine occasionally. Other than that not really.." Namjoon smiled, nodding, and flagging the waiter over to order a wine.

After the waiter poured their wine, Namjoon told him to leave the bottle, and he turned back to Jin "so, how young are you?" Jin chuckled "I'm twenty five years old" he smirked. Namjoon shook his head "different views on age, noted. Hey you're older than me.."
Jin raised an eyebrow "really? No way.." Namjoon chuckled "yeah I'm twenty three" Jin took a sip of the wine Namjoon had chosen, shaking his head "I've never dated a younger guy. Weird" Namjoon smirked "ah, so you usually go for the sugar daddies?" Jin scoffed, rolling his eyes "yeah right. I'm not desperate." Namjoon's smirk fell into a small smile, barely showing his dimples "well, thanks for giving me a chance." Jin caught his sincere gaze, smiling back as they stared into each other's eyes "thanks for asking me out." Jin regained his composure, looking away awkwardly "uh-so what do you want?" Namjoon rested his elbows on the table, resting his chin on top of his hands to prop his head up "you." Jin blushed furiously, staring at the menu in hopes of disappearing, barely mumbling "I meant what food genius.." Namjoon chuckled, leaning back in his seat "I know what you meant. I just wanted to make you blush, it's cute" Jin glanced up from his menu warningly "only the first date and you're already being this cheesy? Oh boy what have I gotten myself into.." Namjoon smirked slightly "only the first date, does that mean I might get a second?" Jin shrugged, laughing "we'll see. Now let's order I'm starving!"

They ordered, and ate dinner in a pleasant silence aside from scattered small talk. Namjoon ordered dessert for the two of them, and while telling a story, hands flailing around animatedly, the pink haired man knocked the bottle of wine off of the table. It shattered on impact, causing the dull chatter of the restaurant to stop completely as a few people stared at him. Namjoon instantly blushed, nervously trying to help the waiter clean up the mess. Jin almost laughed at the funny, and slightly cute, sight but he held it in, not wanting to upset his date. Finally cleaning up the mess, Namjoon sat back down "s-sorry.. I'm kind of a klutz.." Jin chuckled, resting his hand over the others to reassure him "it's ok. Everyone has baggage. Yours is being clumsy." He teased, earning a deep laugh from his date and he pulled his hand away. Jin tried to ignore the tingling sensation in his fingers, focusing his attention on the chocolate molten lava cake now sitting before him. Namjoon stole occasional glances at the older while he ate, smiling internally. Once the couples finished their food, Namjoon gave the waiter his card, finally asking "so, Jin, are you Korean?" Jin nodded, finishing off his drink "yes, I was raised there until I was about ten then my family moved to America. You?" Namjoon nodded "kinda the same. Except I still go back a lot. So... Is it ok if I call you hyung?" Jin would've choked on his drink if he hadn't already finished it "oh, uh yeah sure that's fine.." He blushed, he wasn't used to that. Jin was always the younger one, and other boyfriends certainly never cared enough to ask where he was originally from.

Jin sat there, simply watching the younger as he talked to the waiter with a dimpled smile. He smiled as well, the other was so not what he originally thought. He was so cheesy, and kind. Totally not a bad boy 'more like a teddy bear hah' Jin thought giggling, earning a quieting glance from Namjoon "ready?" Jin blushed lightly, nodding and standing up to follow him out to his car. But on their way out the door, Namjoon knocked the bubble gum dispenser over, and both men ran for the parking lot before the staff noticed. Once they reached Jin's car, laughing and huffing from their mad dash, Jin leaned against his car, trying to calm his breathing. Finally calming down, both grinned widely at each other "that was the most fun I've had on a date in a long time." Jin admitted, shaking his head and digging through his jean pockets to find his key. When he couldn't find it, Jin's eyes widened "oh no. I can't find my car key!" Namjoon suddenly grew serious, looking around on the pavement "did you drop it?" Jin shook his head "no I-" he suddenly remembered, he hadn't grabbed them out of the ignition because Namjoon had scared him "I think I found them..." Namjoon looked up, smiling "where?" Jin merely pointed to his car "they're in there.." Namjoon sighed, scratching his head in thought "I can call a lock smith, or we could smash a window!!" Jin shot him a warning glare, making the younger back away in fear. But Jin suddenly grinned "I have an idea! See the automatic lock buttons on both doors are broken so I have manually lock every door, but there's no way to lock the trunk! I can crawl through!" Jin opened the trunk up, climbing thigh far enough to reach the left back door and unlock it. Namjoon opened that door and reached up to the ignition and pulled the key out with a grin "got it" Jin sighed in relief, instantly hugging the younger in a tight hug "thank you, thank you so much Namjoon." The younger blushed lightly, awkwardly patting Jin's back "n-no problem hyung"

After a few more random conversations, and laughs, Jin turned to his left to face Namjoon, but when he did, he saw the younger's face incredibly close to his own with a thoughtful stare. Jin blushed, and faced straight ahead out of panic, internally steaming when Namjoon placed a kiss to the side of his head, just above his ear. Jin blushed full on red this time, fumbling to unlock his car door nervously exclaiming "oh well it's getting late would you look at the time I should be going!" Once he was in his car, Jin glanced through the window to see a smirking Namjoon walk to his own car. Jin sighed resting his head against the steering wheel "I'm such a love sick loser."

(hello guys! All edits in this book are property of Choiminki218)

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