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Hoseok was scared of horror movies, he screamed and panicked the entire way through every movie, but when the TV was turned off everything went back to normal. He was scared of lots of things, but he knew movies were only that. Movies. What he didn't know, was that Taehyung had nightmares after every horror movie they watched. But he found out one night when Taehyung slept walked by his room.

The movie credits rolled down the screen, Hoseok slowly unclenching his pillow and wiping away the few fearful tears that managed to escape during the movie. Namjoon stood up, chuckling "that movie wasn't even scary. Was it Yoongi hyung?" The blonde mentioned stood up, shrugging "no. I've seen scarier shit go down in this dorm" Jin chuckled, calming his nerves "I don't know... It was pretty creepy" Jimin rolled his eyes, nudging Jungkook "it wasn't scary at all. Was it Kookie?" When the youngest shook his head, everyone stood and began shuffling off to their rooms while exchanging 'goodnights'. Hoseok walked into his and Namjoon's shared room, falling face first on the bed with a huff "that movie was scary Namjoon..." The rapper chuckled "nah you're just a scaredy cat!"

What no one noticed however, was that Taehyung hadn't said a word after the credits rolled and silently retreated to his shared room with Jimin.

Hours later into the early hours of the morning, Hoseok rolled out of bed for a glass of water. His feet quietly padded across the tiled floor until he entered the kitchen, careful to keep quiet. He grabbed a glass and filled it with water from the tap, taking a sip before stiffening at an odd sight. Taehyung was slowly walking down the nearby hallway connecting all of their rooms, his eyes half lidded. Hoseok thought that the younger looked rather creepy, and he quietly whispered "Tae what are you doing up?" When he received no reply or acknowledgement from the singer, he huffed and sat his glass down asking a little louder "Tae answer me" the younger kept walking straight until he bumped into the wall at the end, where he stopped facing the wall. Hoseok gulped at the scary sight.

After several moments of mustering up the courage to investigate, Hoseok quietly shuffled over to the younger, tapping his shoulder gently. When the singer still didn't respond, Hoseok softly gripped his shoulders and turned the boy around to face him. He looked closely at Tae's face only to realize that his eyes were barely cracked open, and he was mumbling softly. Hoseok's eyes widened, gently calling Tae's name "Taehyung?" The singer mumbled something, and Hoseok sighed "you must be sleepwalking..." Remembering that the worst possible thing to do to a sleepwalker being waking them up, he frowned and rested a hand on the younger's shoulder and began leading him back to his room. He silently tip toed back to his and Namjoon's shared room leading Taehyung to the edge of his bed and gently pushing the younger down so that he was sitting on the bed. He pulled the covers back and climbed in before gently pulling Taehyung down and into his arms.

He pulled the younger to his chest, rubbing his back and cooing softly in hopes of waking him up slowly. Taehyung suddenly winced, eyes flying open as he sucked in a sharp breath. Hoseok's eyes instantly met Taehyung's to see nothing but pure fear in the younger's eyes. Realizing that Tae had mostly likely awoken from a nightmare, he instantly hugged him tighter muttering "shh.... It's okay, it was just a nasty dream. Calm down" Taehyung took a few deep breaths to calm his racing heart, gradually shaking off his nightmare to ask quietly with a blush "how'd I end up here..?" Hoseok smiled a little, sheepishly blushing "oh umm... I got up to get a glass of water and I found you sleepwalking.. So I brought you in here in hopes of calming you down..." Taehyung nodded, staring downcast at the dancers chest rather than making eye contact at his crush "o-oh.. Well thanks.. I guess. It worked, you're like my hero" he giggled quietly, feeling the dancer suddenly pull him closer and place a kiss to the top of his head. Taehyung blushed brightly, nuzzling into the dancers chest to hide a blush muttering "than you" again. He felt Hoseok sigh softly, and grasp his chin to tilt it upwards. Once Taehyung was facing Hoseok, forced to make eye contact he swallowed thickly before whispering "you really are like a hero hyung. You always cheer me up and look out for me.. How can I ever repay you?" Hoseok blushed a little, eyes accidentally drifting down to gaze the singers lips for a moment before focusing his attention back on Taehyung. The younger smirked, reaching a hand up to the back of Hoseok's neck and pulled him forward in a flash to kiss the dancer. Taehyung screwed his eyes shut, slowly moving his lips against the older's trembling ones until Hoseok eventually relaxed. Taehyung felt the dancers hand slide down his back to rest on his hip, and he immediately deepened the kiss. He bit down on the older's lower lip for a moment before prying his lips apart to slide his tongue in. He felt the older's arms coil around his waist as they both fought for dominance, Hoseok finally winning before they pulled away, slightly gasping for air. Taehyung kept his eyes shut, afraid the older would glare at him or shove him away. But to his surprise, Hoseok pecked his lips softly before placing a kiss to his forehead and sighing happily. Taehyung reluctantly opened his eyes to see Hoseok gently smiling down at him from the dim light "w-what? You're staring hyung.." Hoseok smirked, shaking his head slightly "nothing, it's just.. That was so much better than rookie king" Taehyung's eyes widened, face flushing red in embarrassment as he laughed.

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