Anime con

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(Sort of a sequel to comic con. Same kinda plot but different xD)

Taehyung couldn't believe the shenanigans that happened to him at Anime Weekend, a convention for all things anime. The entire weekend was an adventure.

Friday; Taehyung and his best friend Jimin had arrived at the hotel around ten in the morning, already tired from the six hour drive. Once they'd unpacked their costumes of the day, Ouran High School Host Club, and gotten changed, they headed down to the con for their Hikaru and Karou photo shoot. Taehyung enjoyed being Karou and hanging out with Jimin after the shoot had ended. While they were walking through the dealer's room someone in a Host cosplay caught his eye. Someone was cosplaying Tamaki!! He grabbed Jimin's hand and rushed over to the cosplayer with a wide grin "oh my gosh can we please take a picture together?!" The Tamaki cosplayer nodded with a wide smile and took several pictures with the two friends before rushing off. When the day finally crawled to an end, Tae and Jimin went out for dinner then came back to the room to crash.

Saturday; the two woke up with a start and quickly got dressed in their Free! costumes, with Jimin dressed as Nagisa, and Tae as Haru before heading down to the con. After taking numerous selfies and buying lots of merchandise that they totally needed, Tae was tapped on the shoulder. When he turned around he was greeted by a Makoto cosplayer "hey me and some friends are Free trash today to! Want to take some pictures??" Tae nodded quickly, following the stranger over to where a Rei, Rin, Sosuke, and Momo were sitting around in a circle. After introductions, Tae learned the cosplayer's real names. Makato's real name was Hoseok, Rei was Yoongi, Rin was Jin (hah rhymes), Sosuke was Namjoon, and Momo was Jungkook. They took pictures together and hung out all day before reluctantly parting ways when they realized how late it had gotten.

Sunday; the two decided to sleep in on the last day, and dressed in normal clothes before packing everything up for their departure. Once they'd packed the car, they decided to hang around for the remainder of the day. They were sitting just outside the Artist's Alley when Taehyung looked up to see an oddly familiar stranger walking by. Without realizing his own actions, he got up and gripped the taller mans shoulder, who turned around to face him sharply. Taehyung made a puzzled face, confused as to why this guy looked so familiar "do i know you?" The taller shrugged "I don't know. I've been at the con all weekend?" Tae sighed in irritation "you look familiar but I ant figure out where I've seen you before.. Did you cosplay?" The guy nodded "yeah. I was Tamaki the first day and Makato yesterday-" he was cut off when Taehyug hugged him "I thought it was you! I was Karou and Haru!" The taller's eyes widened and he grinned "oh my gosh! I didn't even recognize you!" The two laughed, and Jimin ran over to them in confusion "what's so funny Tae?" The younger smiled "this is Tamaki/Makato!" Jimin smiled "oh hey! Where are your friends?" Hoseok shrugged "not sure actually. I'm looking for them now, want to help?" The two younger boys nodded eagerly.

After finding the other four guys, they all sat in a circle and talked about conventions they'd been to, future cosplay plans, and exchanged personal information. All was going well until Jimin announced "let's play spin the bottle truth or dare!" Everyone reluctantly agreed, and Taehyung felt suddenly nervous about the game. Jimin spun the bottle first, and it landed on Taehyung who quickly shouted "dare!" He knew Jimin would ask something embarrassing and humiliate him in front of his new friends. He didn't expect Jimin to humiliate him anyways via dare however. Jimin tapped his chin in thought before grinning wickedly "alright. I dare you to kiss Hoseok for twelve seconds!" Taehyung's face reddened, unable to hear anything other than the groups laughter. How could Jimin?? He knew Tae hadn't had his first kiss yet because he was saving it! Swallowing thickly, he turned to face Hoseok, who was seated beside him "I haven't had my first kiss yet... Do I have to?" Hoseok frowned "hey that's not fair. I'm
Not taking his first kiss on a stupid dare! Jimin why would you dare that??" Taehyung sighed, shaking his head "it's fine, I guess now is as good as any other time.." He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and leaned in to kiss Hoseok.

He felt the older's lips move against his own frozen ones, but wen a comforting hand from the older cupped his cheek, he slowly melted into the warm kiss. He slowly began to mimic the older's movements, and just as he felt Hoseok's tongue swipe across his bottom lip, someone shouted "times up!" And he instantly jerked away with a downcast gaze. His heart was pounding in his chest, face flushed, ears red, and he took deep breaths to calm his nerves. Laughter erupted around them, and Taehyung felt tear prick at the corners of his eyes, so he quickly ran off to the nearest bathroom.

Later that night after arriving home, Taehyung had locked himself in his room of his and Jimin's shared apartment. He hadn't said a word to Jimin since the kiss, angry at his best friend for forcing him to waste his precious first kiss. But suddenly his phone lit up with a text from Hoseok that simply read 'hey, sorry about earlier' and soon they were texting non stop.

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