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((Friend ship Vhope)

The week had started out normal, childhood best friends Taehyung and Hoseok both applied and actually gotten hired at the same local McDonald's. However accidental tragedy struck that Saturday morning.

It all began around eight one fateful Saturday morning, Hoseok had come into work at his scheduled time, seven am sharp. However, the other cashier that was supposed to come in as well to help run the registers and manage the morning rush, didn't show up. Hoseok new for a fact that Taehyung was supposed to work beside him, but when seven thirty passed by in a hectic blur, anger bubbled up in his chest. Because of Taehyung's absence, the manager had to help Hoseok run the counter and it was their busiest day of the week, hence the reason two people had been scheduled to work at the counter. Finally finding a break in the otherwise steady stream of customers, Hoseok excused himself briefly to call Taehyung. After calling his best friend twice only to hear the voicemail both times, finally on the third call Taehyung finally answered with a sleepy voice "what?" Hoseok snapped, eyes narrowing as a dangerous edge crept up in his voice "where are you?!?! You were supposed to come in to work at seven Tae!!!" Hoseok was met by silence for a few seconds until finally the younger's voice could be heard from his end mumbling "crap... I'm on my way, sorry hyung" Hoseok sighed, glancing back at his post to see that the rush had resumed "just get here as fast you can!" Then quickly ended the call and rushed back to his work post.

Nearly another thirty minutes passed before Taehyung finally ran in, hastily clocking in and attempting to repair his disheveled uniform. After finally perching in front of his computer over an hour late for work, the manager retreated back to the office and Hoseok since the flow of customers had slowed already. Since they had a minute to talk, Taehyung quickly turned to face the older "Hoseok hyung I'm sorry-" Hoseok glared, tossing a cup at the younger "sorry doesn't cut it, my mornings been terrible all because you decided not to show up for work!" Taehyung's eyes widened, mouth hanging open in shock for a few moments before he glared right back "my alarm didn't go off, you actually think I'd do this on purpose?!" Hoseok rolled his eyes, tossing another cup at the younger "I don't know, you always blow everything else off like it's not important, and I can never count on you!" Taehyung's fists tightened in anger, shoving the older "what's that supposed to mean?!" Hoseok shoved him back, rougher "it means you're a bad friend. You're a slacker, you never follow through on anything, I can't count on you, and you're a bad friend!!!" By this point Hoseok was yelling, causing the entire restaurants attention to fall on the arguing duo as Taehyung shouted "well maybe I'm a bad friend because you're a bad friend!!!" Hoseok rolled his eyes, shoving the younger again "how am I a bad friend?!" Taehyung shoved the older again harshly, snapping "because you only care about yourself!!!!" Hoseok stumbled backwards from the forecourt shove, eyes narrowing before grabbing a handful of fries out of the fry bin and tossing them at Taehyung "maybe I'm selfish because you're selfish!!!"

Things continued to escalate until a food fight broke out, Hoseok and Taehyung throwing burgers, fries, and anything else they could lay their hands on at each other. Soon the other employees joined in, followed by the manager attempting to break up the fight, though it was useless. The entire store was chaos, food and spiteful words tossed amongst the employees and even a few customers in the lobby. Hoseok shiver Taehyung once more, causing the younger to stumble backwards and knock one of the fryers over. Taehyung ignored the spilled grease and slapped Hoseok, the two instantly slapping and punching each other. Too bad everyone was too caught up in petty arguments to notice the greaseless fryer erupt in flames.

Minutes later the manager was forced to evacuate the building and call the fire department due to the now blazing inferno that was once the kitchen. As Hoseok and Taehyung, along with all of the other employees as well as customers, sat on the curb outside, the older boy sighed. Taehyung glanced at him, frowning "I'm really sorry hyung. I'm sorry for being late, I'm sorry for being a bad friend, and I'm sorry for hitting you..." Hoseok gave the younger a gentle smile, shrugging "it's fine, I'm sorry for flipping out and blowing everything out of proportion. And I'm sorry for hitting you to.." Taehyung smiled softly "friends?" Hoseok nodded, reaching over to ruffle the younger's hair "of course. Cross my heart and hope to die, right?" Taehyung's smile widened at that as the both drug their fingers across their chests in the shape of an X, chuckling as they both remembered all the time they had done it growing up. It had always been their thing, they'd fight, make up, and say 'cross my heart and hope to die, friends forever' both smiled at each other until the manager walked up, hands on her hips "since the both of you caused this, you're both fired. That being said, I'm not pressing charges since it was an accident. Don't use me as a reference" then turned on her hell and walked off. Hoseok and Taehyung sighed in relief, glad they wouldn't be going to jail or have to pay any fines. They glanced at each other, Hoseok mumbling "time for a job hunt" Taehyung snickered, patting the older's back as the watched the firefighters spraying down the restaurant.

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