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(A friend requested this cause she loves Meghan Trainors song no xD)

Yoongi somehow let Namjoon drag him out to a club, and he wanted nothing more than to go home. A small orange headed guy with an obnoxiously happy tone kept asking Yoongi questions about his name, age, sexuality and if he was single. Yoongi kept brushing him off with a simple phrase "no"

The blaring music, booming bass and flashing lights was taking its toll on a certain short and ill tempered green haired man named Min Yoongi. He'd let his friends Namjoon and Hoseok drag him out to a club they frequented since he'd been cooped in his apartment for months. He didn't care for dancing, nor the DJ's music taste, the alcohol however was decent. Not one for getting drunk however, Yoongi only had a few drinks while Hoseok and Namjoon walked over to a group of guys. Yoongi leaned back against the bar, sipping his glass of bourbon. He quirked an eyebrow in question at a small orange headed male with a shining smile approaching him. The stranger ordered a drink Yoongi had never heard of before turning to smile cheekily at Yoongi "can I buy you a drink?" Yoongi rolled his eyes "no." the tan, orange headed man's smile flattered at the flat answer "can I get your name?" Yoongi rolled his eyes "no." The stranger sighed slightly in defeat, biting his lip in thought before cheering up instantly at a sudden thought "well my names Jimin. I'm twenty two years young, I like your hair, and my friends pretty much made me come over here" the shorter man pointed over his shoulder to the table of guys Hoseok and Namjoon had ditched him for. Yoongi bit back a snarl at the mere thought of his friends abandoning him.

Yoongi huffed in irritation "what will it take to get you to leave me alone?" Jimin's smile fell instantly, and Yoongi winced ever so slightly at the kicked puppy expression Jimin wore. Jimin grabbed his drink, forcing a small grin "I'll go, sorry to bother you. Truth is my friends didn't send me over here, they ditched me for those dorks and I thought you looked as lonely as me. Sorry" Yoongi sighed, grasping the shorter's wrist before he could walk away "hang on. Are those your friends?" Jimin nodded at the group Yoongi was pointing at "yeah.. Why?" Yoongi rolled his eyes "those dorks are my friends. They ditched me for your friends" Jimin raised an eyebrow "wow. We have sucky friends huh?" Yoongi nodded, staring at Namjoon dancing with a tall blonde haired man while Hoseok chatted with a shorter red head. Yoongi sighed "the grey haired ones Namjoon, the brunette is Hoseok." Jimin nodded "the blondes Jin hyung and the red heads Taehyung. Hey how old are you?" Yoongi sighed lightly, begrudgingly answering "twenty six" Jimin nodded "ah so you're my hyung. Well.. Um, do you want to dance or something?" Yoongi shook his head "I don't dance. My names Yoongi, I guess I'll tolerate you for the night. It's better than hanging out by myself.." Jimin smiled "thanks for giving me a chance. And if you don't want to dance, maybe we can just go somewhere quiet and talk?" Yoongi grimaced, talking was worse than dancing. He shook his head "I'm not a talker. Let's dance instead" Jimin smiled, holding out his hand, and once Yoongi placed his hand in Jimins, ignoring the tingling sensation traveling from his hand to his spine causing him to shiver. Yoongi allowed the younger to pull him to the edge of the dance floor as a slow song came on.

Yoongi rested his hands nervously on Jimins hips as the younger wrapped his arms around the back of Yoongi's neck, pulling the older flush against him. Yoongi nervously bit his lip momentarily before cautiously asking "so do you come here much?" Jimin shook his head, leaning in slightly to rest his chin on Yoongi's shoulder and glanced over the older's back, muttering "no. My friends made me come. I don't usually drink either" Yoongi hummed in response, pulling Jimin closer gently, surprising even himself with the action. He couldn't help it, something about the orange headed younger was enticing, interesting and he seemed so sweet. Yoongi couldn't help but feel comfortable around the younger, and somehow it felt like they belonged despite being almost total strangers. The song drew to an end, replaced by Ode To The Bouncer by Studio Killers. Yoongi pulled away slightly only to realize Jimin was staring deep into his eyes. He swallowed thickly, awkwardly clearing his throat and stepping back "well I have a suggestion" Jimin raised an eyebrow "and what would that be hyung?" Yoongi smirked "since we have nothing better to do, why don't you let me buy you a few drinks?" Jimin bit his lip in uncertainty "I don't usually drink much.." Yoongi shrugged "me neither" Jimin sighed, pausing a moment before smiling slightly "alright. I'm sure it'll be fine"

~the next morning~

Yoongi awoke late the next morning with a slight headache, glaring at the light around him in his apartment. He started to roll over, but instantly realized the arm draped over his chest. He looked off to the side slightly to see Jimin nuzzled into his side still sleeping peacefully. He also realized that they were both completely naked. His eyes widened as he remembered the events from the previous night, obviously they were both drunk. But he still remembered everything perfectly, and he he distinctly remembered Jimin only being slightly tipsy. So them sleeping together wasn't just a drunken fling, well not entirely at least. Jimin whined softly, nuzzling closer to Yoongi as a soft snore left him, causing Yoongi to grin. He leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss to the crown of the younger's head and nuzzling into the tangled mess of orange locks, mentally noting the distinct scent of cinnamon. Yoongi felt happy, for the first time in a long time, wrapping Jimin up in his arms and pulling the younger even closer, if possible. The motion must've woken Jimin, because he yawned, blinking up at Yoongi with a sweet smile "morning..." Yoongi grinned at the adorable sight, rubbing circles along the younger's back with the pad of his thumb "morning. Do you remover everything..?" Jimin nodded slightly "y-yeah.. Sorry about last night. I mean it was amazing... But I probably moved too fast.." Yoongi chuckled, shaking his head "it's perfectly okay. Look, obviously we were both sober enough to be in our right minds, which means it wasn't the alcohol in control" Jimin sighed softly, looking down and absent mindedly tracing circles on the older's chest "can I confess something?" When he felt Yoongi nod, he continued "the reason I was out last night was because my friends made me. They wanted me to meet someone else, I got dumped six months ago and I kinda shut down after that..." Yoongi frowned, sighing softly "actually, that's the same reason I was out last night. Except my break up was over a year ago. I guess it takes me longer to get over things" Jimin looked up at the older, frowning "I was with him for a year. You?" Yoongi bit his lip, reluctantly opening up "three years." Jimin nodded in understanding "well.. Maybe we needed this. Even if this is nothing but a one night stand, maybe this was fates way of helping us move on" Yoongi frowned, cupping Jimins face in his hands, gazing at the younger intently "you're not just a one night stand Jiminie. I don't usually believe in fate and love at first sight, but I do believe we have something. Something worth exploring" Jimin blinked in surprise, slowly beginning to smile "you really do?" Yoongi nodded, sincerity burning in his gaze "I do." In a flash he'd leaned forward, capturing Jimins lips in slow meaningful kiss. Jimins eyes fluttered closed, hands resting against Yoongi's chest as the older threaded his fingers into Jimins hair. Yoongi pulled Jimin flush against him, gently nibbling on the younger's lower lip before pulling away to trail sweet open mouthed butterfly kisses down Jimins jaw and to his neck where he paused, panting slightly against Jimins neck "you're so much more than a one night stand. I can tell already" Jimin blushed, smiling happily "I feel the same way hyung."

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