Pink swag

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(AU; that's the end of the three part Namjin fluff)

Namjoon and Jin had been married for five years, so for their anniversary the rapper had promised Jin he could have any car he wanted. Unfortunately Jin wanted a pink car... So they compromised.

Why did Jin have to be so stubborn? He refused to get a normal colored car. He had to have a pink one, out of all of the normal colors it had to be pink! Sighing, Namjoon rested his head against the kitchen counter while his husband ranted. When Jin started setting the table he began listing the reasons he deserved his dream car "number one, I put up with you on a daily basis. I deserve to be spoiled for that. Number two, I paid for your new phone after you broke yours. You owe me for that to. Number three, I deserve my own car if I want to open my bakery. We can't keep sharing the car if we both have jobs. Number four-" he was cut off when Namjoon stood up and hugged him tightly "alright you've got plenty of reasons. Let's talk about it some more later ok? I want to enjoy our dinner" Jin smiled, nodding with a small content sigh "alright Namjoonie"

Days later, Jin was reading a book on the porch of his home, humming a tune as he waited for Namjoon to get back from work. He looked up to see a matte pink Dodge Charger pulling into the driveway. His eyes widened and he slowly lowered his book to stare in shock as Namjoon emerged from the car. The younger smirked, tucking his hands into his pockets "well, what do you think?" Jin rushed down the stairs and over to his husband, hugging him tightly "it's perfect Namjoonie!!" His husband chuckled with a blush "I'm glad you like it babe... You deserve to be spoiled for putting up with me" he chuckled, making Jin giggle "I really do. I love you Joonie." Namjoon grinned at the cheesy nickname "I love you to princess."

Weeks later, Namjoon was leaving the studio with his best friend Yoongi when Jin pulled up in his pink car, rolling the window down and yelling "lunch is on me! I'll treat you Yoongi" the short blonde's eyes widened and he looked around hoping no one he knew saw him "uhh I don't know. I think I'll just stay here at the studio?" Namjoon raised an eyebrow "what is it because of the pink car?" Yoongi nodded, noting Jin's pout and signing in defeat "I guess I'll go.. Namjoon at least you bought him a cool car despite it being pink."

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