Reunions and memories

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Jungkook linked his arm through his lover's, glancing at the green haired man with a grin "well are you nervous to see everyone again?" Yoongi chuckled, shaking his head "not really. I've come along way since high-school...." Yoongi smirked "I'm a successful music producer, and rapper. Plus I have a hot boyfriend" Jungkook laughed, rolling his eyes "I wonder if Namjoon hyung will be here..." Yoongi shrugged, opening the door and stepping into the old gym with a lazy grin. There was a rather large crowd inside, and soon enough an old familiar face was approaching them. Kim Seokjin, the old student body president, and class representative. He smiled widely, pulling Jungkook into a hug "oh my gosh! Jungkook! How are you?" The younger laughed lightly "good. How are you hyung?" Jin shrugged with a grin "good! What have you been up to?" Jungkook glanced at Yoongi, grinning "dating this loser and working at a studio. I give dance and singing lessons. Yoongi owns his own studio and he just released his first album" Jin's eyes widened "wow that's amazing! I had almost forgotten about you Yoongi... You were so quiet back in high school" Yoongi shrugged "I still don't talk much." Jin smiled, bowing to them both "it was nice to see you both again, I should go talk to others as well. Take care!" Then he disappeared into the crowd, leaving Yoongi and Jungkook alone for a moment. The older pulled Jungkook over to the side away from the crowd and lights as he spoke "that was interesting.." Jungkook shrugged, eyes scanning the crowd.

Suddenly, Jungkook's eyes widened and he grabbed Yoongi's hand excitedly "hyung look! Tae and Hobi are both here!" Yoongi shrugged, allowing the younger to drag him along as he mumbled "whoever that is.." Jungkook ran up behind Taehyung, covering the others eyes with his hands and shouting "guess who loser!" Taehyung instantly smiled widely and turned around to hug him "Kookie!!! HOSEOK KOOKIE IS HERE!!!!" He yelled excitedly, causing Hoseok to chuckle "I can see that Tae, I'm right here" Yoongi rolled his eyes slightly, but shook Hoseok's hand none the less "I see Taehyung is still weird" Hoseok shrugged, smiling his famous 100 watt grin "yeah. Yoongi right? I sorta remember you... You were kinda antisocial...?" Yoongi shrugged "what can I say. I was a teenager and I hated everyone back then. I see you're still the happy virus" Hoseok shrugged, blushing lightly "I guess." Meanwhile Taehyung and Jungkook chatted happily, quickly catching each other back to speed before Jungkook joined his boyfriends side once more "so you and Hoseok hyung finally got together huh?" Taehyung nodded happily "yep! Oh hey did you hear about Namjoon and Jin hyung?" Jungkook shook his head "uh no? We just saw Jin hyung but he didn't really talk about himself.." Yoongi mumbled "he hasn't changed a bit. Never worries about himself.." Hoseok finished Taehyung's sentence happily "they're engaged" Jungkook's eyes widened "no kidding! Wow, that's so cool!" Yoongi looked around at the crowd, sighing "where is Namjoon? I wanted to see him.." Taehyung frowned "Jin said he had to work late. He couldn't make it.. Oh Kookie!" Jungkook raised an eyebrow questioningly at the alien like man "yeah?" Taehyung swallowed thickly, continuing "Jimin's here though" Yoongi immediately grasped Jungkook's hand, interlocking their fingers strongly as Jungkook sighed "great... What's a high school reunion without a little drama right?" He chided sarcastically.

They said their goodbyes to Taehyung and Hoseok quickly before Yoongi pulled Jungkook over to a nearby wall to talk in private "I think we should leave" Jungkook shook his head, sighing "no. I'm not going to let one person ruin the night" Yoongi frowned, letting go of his lover's hand "you know how I feel about him. I had to go through high school watching him flirt with the love of my life. He's just gonna hit on you and piss me off" Jungkook shook his head "you're not being fair. No one knew you liked me back then, it's not like he did it on purpose. And it's been ten years since we saw him, people change. You should know that better than anyone.." Jungkook pulled Yoongi into a tight hug, placing a soft kiss to the older's neck "look at it this way. You get to brag to him about having me, and your career. Besides, worst case scenario you get to beat him up for flirting with me" the two laughed quietly, and Yoongi pulled away enough to gaze at his boyfriend with a gummy smile "you're right. I love you bunny" Jungkook rolled his eyes at the nickname "love you to sugar" then the couple walked back out into the crowd, only to be greeted by the topic of their previous conversation "Jungkookie!!!" Yoongi suppressed a growl at the name he used, grasping Jungkook's hand tightly as the younger politely smiled despite his inner anger "hey Jimin" Jimin hugged the younger, not even acknowledging Yoongi "it's so good to see you! You're still handsome as ever!" Jungkook laughed awkwardly, moving closer to Yoongi "um thanks I guess. Jimin you remember Yoongi hyung right?" Jimin shrugged indifferently "not really why?" Jungkook smiled, brushing his thumb delicately over Yoongi's knuckles to calm the older "he's my boyfriend" Jimin chuckled "he's your boyfriend? Good one Kookie. Best joke you've told yet!" Yoongi growled, glaring at the orange head "it's not a joke dumbass." Jungkook cast a quick glance at Yoongi before laughing nervously "I'm not joking. Yoongi and I have been dating since college.." Jimin scoffed "why him? He was such a freak in high school!!"

Yoongi jerked his hand away, snapping at Jungkook quietly "I'll be in the car. Have fun with your high school sweetheart" Jungkook growled, gripping Yoongi's wrist to stop him before walking over to stand in front of Jimin with a cruel glare on his face "listen to me carefully Jimin. I didn't like you in high school, and I don't now. Yoongi is my boyfriend that I happen to love very much so I don't appreciate your little snide comment. He owns his own studio, has his own album, oh and he owns one more thing you'll never have," he turned around with his back to Jimin, slapping his own butt and finishing his sentence "this ass. Now go bother someone else" Jimin scoffed, rushing off into the crowd, leaving Yoongi staring at his boyfriend in shock. Jungkook raised an eyebrow "what? You wanted him gone so I got rid of him." Yoongi slowly started to smirk as his arm coiled around Jungkook's waist "that was by far the coolest thing you've ever done for me." Jungkook rolled his eyes "I know. Come on let's ditch this place, it still smells like dodge balls and sweat" Yoongi's smirk fell as he led Jungkook to the exit, mumbling "seriously babe... This meant a lot. No one stood up for me back then.." Jungkook smiled, pecking the older's cheek "I would have if you hadn't been so invisible. But I'm here now, that's all that matters right?" Yoongi smirked "right."

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