Bad influence

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{first time witting this pairing, it turned out pretty long. Hope you enjoy!}

Namjoon had always been the smartest boy in school, he didn't have friends, there was no time for that. His parents expected great things from him, and he intended to make them happy, even if it meant giving up all of the things he loved like writing music.

His entire life had been spent with his nose in a book, and his spare time in libraries. One evening while Namjoon was reading in the back corner of the school library, his favorite spot, someone entered the library. He peeped through the cracks of the book shelf to see a short green haired guy in the middle of a heated make out session with a blonde headed girl. Namjoon looked closer, recognizing the green haired guy as none other than Min Yoongi, the schools bad boy. His eyes widened slightly and he realized, the couple thought they were all alone in the library. When Yoongi pinned the girl to the wall Namjoon silently gathered his things, tip toeing towards the exit. Unfortunately, his book bag caught on a stack of books resting on a nearby desk, causing the books to fall over with a loud clatter. Namjoon froze, gulping out of fear and forcing himself to gaze over at the couple. Yoongi and the girl were both glaring at him, and the green haired boy turned to walk towards Namjoon. The blonde's eyes widened and in a flash, he'd taken off into a full sprint. He could hear the shorter guy yelling curses at him, and his heart raced. Great, now the bad boy of the school was going to be after him. Just.. Great.

The next day after finishing classes, Namjoon decided to stop by the school library to turn in a book only to open the door to see Yoongi staring at him. Namjoon's eyes widened but before he could turn around and leave, Yoongi grabbed him by his shirt collar and tugged him inside, locking the door behind them. Before Namjoon could protest, he was shoved up against a nearby wall and Yoongi raised his fist, preparing to punch him. The taller swallowed thickly, raising his hands in surrender "wait wait wait!!" Yoongi lowered his fist, raising an eyebrow "you've got thirty seconds to convince me not to beat the shit out of you" Namjoon swallowed thickly, mumbling quickly "I was just minding my own business in the library yesterday, I won't tell anyone I swear! Please, m-my names Kim Namjoon and I'm just a book worm I swear" Yoongi released the taller boys shirt collar, taking a step back with a casual scowl "is that really why you were in the library?" Namjoon nodded nervously "yes, I swear" Yoongi nodded, eying the taller boy up and down carefully "how old are you, Namjoon?" The blonde took a deep breath "seventeen. Can I ask how old you are?" Yoongi nodded "I'm eighteen but I failed a year so we're in the same grade. Got any friends?" Namjoon slowly shook his head, frowning slightly "not really. I have school friends but I only talk to them at school" Yoongi folded his arms across his chest "why only at school, and who are they?" Namjoon shrugged "I have to study. Keep my grades up so I can go to medical school" Yoongi frowned slightly, gaze softening "parents dream, not yours right?" Namjoon nodded, continuing "I talk to Jung Hoseok and Kim Seokjin when I'm at school, I guess they're friends" Yoongi clicked his tongue, nodding in understanding "they're goody two shoes like yourself, right?" Namjoon shrugged "I guess. They're the only people I'm really allowed to talk to" Yoongi nodded, unlocking and opening the library door for Namjoon to leave "go ahead, I'm not gonna mess with you, you seem cool" Namjoon merely nodded and rushed out, leaving Yoongi with a lot to think about.

After Namjoon left the library, Yoongi took a seat by the window and sighed. He almost felt bad for the younger boy, not allowed to talk to just anyone, spending all of his time studying, and being forced to carry out his parents career choice. Yoongi's parents couldn't care less what happened to him, so he just did whatever he wanted. But Namjoon was limited... He could tell from their one meeting that Namjoon was full of passion, but no outlet to express it, whatever it may have been. Suddenly a thought crossed through his mind, and he smirked. He was going to teach Namjoon how to have fun, no matter what.

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