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Kim Taehyung and Jung Jimin have been best friends for nearly five years now, they met in high school both have been warmly accepted into each other's families. Jimin's the only guy at school that will put up with Taehyung and his ridiculous obsession with taking pictures of everything. They compliment each other perfectly, Jimin is warm like sunshine, never mean to a soul, always happy and optimistic, and he cares for all of his friends deeply. Taehyung is the opposite. He's been jaded three too may times, he's untrusting, pessimistic, against the idea of growing up in an act of rebellion, and his parents couldn't care less about what happens to him. The exact opposite of Jimin. Jimin's mother and father are rich, caring, and wish the world for their shining son. Taehyung often thinks he's too corrupt to even enter their home, like it will somehow taint the Jung family and their lovely house. He's always seen people as colors, hence one of the reasons he photographs everyone around him. He sees himself as blue, but not like most light pretty shades of blue, no he sees himself as dark royal blue, almost black. He sees Jimin as orange, truly the perfect combination of his parents since Taehyung sees Solar as a lovely canary yellow, and Hoseok as a deep crimson red.

Taehyung frowns as awaits his best friends arrival, Jimin's on his way to pick him up and take him to play tennis. Taehyung's never played it, never even stepped foot on a tennis court, but Jimin had insisted that it'd be fun so he reluctantly agreed. He does that a lot. He just tags along for all of Jimin's schemes and ideas, he has fun in the end but it always takes some convincing. They always end up at staying at Jimin's house because Taehyungs parents are either drunk, or arguing. Taehyung doesn't complain, whenever he's there he gets to be with his favorite person. He hears a car horn out front so he quickly grabs his wallet and camera, tossing it into his old back pack and rushing downstairs with a shout to his mother "I'm going out, don't wait up." Then he's outside, running towards Jimin's two door Jeep, climbing in and getting buckled up "drive before she tries to catch me." Jimin just laughs, shaking his head as he pulls away from the curb "sure thing Tae." Taehyung nods, flicking the radio on and pulling his camera out to snap a picture of Jimin while he's driving. The smiling boy rolls his eyes, teasing "Jeez Tae, keep snapping candids of me and people might think you're in love with me." Taehyung snorts in response, replying bluntly and without thinking it through entirely "yeah, sure. I take pictures of everyone." He notices Jimin's eyes dart away and the way his lips press into a thin line, Taehyung knows that rare expression all too well. It means he's hurt. Taehyung hurt Jimin's feelings. Stupid, he usually thinks before he opens his idiot mouth but it just slipped out- he quickly tries to back peddle and instantly apologizes "I'm sorry. You know I can't help it sometimes.. that doesn't make it okay. I'm sorry Jiminie. You're my favorite model and you know that." Jimin forces a small smile, hurt still obvious in his eyes despite his words "it's okay Tae, don't worry about it." Taehyung a brows furrow, usually when apologizes Jimin forgives him instantly and they laugh it off but something's not right this time. Taehyung frowns "I will worry about it, what's wrong?" Jimin shakes his head, indicating that he doesn't want to talk about it. Taehyung reaches over without thinking, grabbing Jimins free hand that's not on the steering wheel and squeezing it tightly "you're my best friend, I love you. I didn't mean what I said okay? Just.. please stop looking sad. It doesn't suit you, you're supposed to be happy..." Jimin sighs, slowly pulling his car over on the shoulder and shifting to face Taehyung "I love you to. That's why I'm upset." Taehyungs brows furrow in confusion "why?" Jimin rolls his eyes, reaching across the car to grab Taehyung by the back of his neck and pulling the passenger forward to press their lips together. Jimin screws his eyes shut, slowly moving his chapped lips against the slightly younger teens stiff ones. Taehyungs eyes are wide open in shock, unable to move or anything until Jimin's free hand moves up to gently tilt his chin and head to side, tongue softly swiping against Taehyung's smooth lips. Taehyung's eyes flutter closed, nervously moving in sync with the olders pace. Jimin's lips taste like the sweetest cinnamon, and Taehyung quickly finds himself melting into the kiss with a gentle sigh through his nose.

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