Christmas fluff

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(Authors Note! Sorry for the Christmas stories, the ships in this one are Namjin, Vhope, and Yoonmin, enjoy!)


The snow covered park illuminated with Christmas lights seemed like something out of a dream, especially since it was so late on Christmas Eve night, and Jin realized he and Namjoom were the only people. Walking along with his arm linked through the younger's, smiling softly, he rested his head atop Namjoon's shoulder "thank you for doing all of this. It's perfect.." Only receiving a nod from the younger, Jin pouted with a sigh as he raised his head "fine ignore me then you old fart." Namjoom chuckled, the deep tone making the older shiver. Despite the six years they'd been dating, Jin still couldn't help but fall in love all over again each time Namjoom spoke. The younger shook his head "I'm not ignoring you hyung, I'm just thinking I guess.." Jin raised an eyebrow, staring at Namjoon's side profile "what about Joonie~?" The younger cleared his throat, shaking his head once again "nothing. Look at the lake" Jin pried his gaze away from his lover, towards the lake before them.

The lights reflected all across the waters calm surface, and Jin smiled widely before running to the bench at the waters edge. He was momentarily distracted by the shining lights, allowing Namjoom to quickly kneel down on one knee at Jin's and holding the older's hands "Kim Seokjin.." Jin fixed his gaze on the love of his life, blushing and nodding for him to continue "y-yes Joonie?" Namjoom took a deep breath before speaking quietly "I've never met anyone more beautiful than you, and I don't just mean your good looks. You're gorgeous inside and out.. And you take care of me and the messes I make. And you put up with my rambling, and cheesiness, and you're smart. You're sexy, talented, I love everything that makes you, you. Jinnie.. Will you please honor me by becoming my husband?" Namjoom was a blushing rambling mess by the end of it, unable to hold eye contact with Jin.

Jin covered his mouth, and tried to wipe his tears away. The pink haired man panicked and stood up to sit by Jin mumbling "I didn't mean to make you cry baby... If you don't want to then you don't have to do anything you don't want. I knew I shouldn't have-" his paranoid rambling was silenced by a soft kiss from the older, followed by a giggle "you moron, I'm crying tears of joy. Stop panicking over everything" Namjoom sighed in relief, laughing slightly "wait, I'm not a moron!" Jin rolled his eyes, placing another soft kiss to the younger's lips with a grin "your my moron..." Namjoom blushed lightly and pulled out the box to slip a silver band onto the older's ring finger "so is that a yes hyung?" Jin chuckled, kissing Namjoom again "no, that's a hell yes. Oh and, it took you long enough!" Namjoom rolled his eyes with a laugh "I know hyung sorry."


A sigh escaped the young mans lips, resembling smoke due to the harsh cold weather. A chilling breeze forced the brunette to shove his hands further into his jacket pockets, while he nuzzled into his large loosely wrapped scarf. He couldn't help the soft glare that stole his expression as he glanced around at all of the Christmas lights and happy couples. Taehyung was alone on Christmas Eve night, all of the other members were visiting family except for him. His family happened to be in America last minute, so he chose to leave the vacant dorm and walk down the street. Little cafes full of people chattering with hot chocolate, snow beginning to fall around him. Taehyung found himself wanting to cry, his own boyfriend couldn't even be with him. Hoseok had left to visit his family, offering to bring Taehyung with him, but the younger lied and said he had plans. He couldn't ruin his lover's family Christmas.

Finally finding a vacant bench, he sat down and pulled his phone out with shaking hands. The screen lit up without a single notification. Huffing in irritation, he quickly logged onto the fan cafe, posting 'merry Christmas ARMYs, and if you're spending the holiday alone like me, it's ok. We can be lonely together! Happy holidays :)' tucking his phone away once again, he noticed that it was getting late so he trudged back to the dorm.

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