Meet the parents

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AN; finally finished this request from like six months ago .-.

Two people could not have been raised in more opposite life styles. Kim Seokjin, the only child of a Wall Street wolf, and a model worth billions. He was spoiled to say the least. But somehow throughout all the popularity he managed to be slightly down to earth, well aside from a bit of narcissism and pride. Kim Namjoon was everything Seokjin was not. Namjoon was a broken person, raised in an orphanage with nowhere to turn but a life of crime. Running with a local gang, defacing public property, burglary, he'd done it all and never gotten caught. Until he met Kim Seokjin that is.

Namjoon had chosen the wrong guy to pick pocket. The moment his hand had ghosted into the young brunette mans coat pocket, his wrist had been grabbed. Namjoon panicked, he'd never been caught before! How did some random guy in a nice suit catch him?? The young man hadn't shouted or scolded, instead he pulled Namjoons hand from his pocket, grip never loosening as his other hand pulled his wallet out and asked blankly "how much do you need?" Namjoon could only blink in shock, unable to utter a word. He'd never ever been caught- and no one had ever showed such compassion for a street rat like himself. The man sighed, softening his voice "my name is Jin. What's yours? You look a little younger than me..." Namjoon finally shook off his surprise, nervously answering "Namjoon... How old are you?" Jin smiled slightly, chiming with positivity "twenty one years young. And yourself?" Namjoon frowned at being younger, mumbling "nineteen.. Are you gonna call the cops on me?" Jin had laughed, shaking his head "no. You didn't actually succeed in stealing anything, but my question still stands," Namjoon was about to ask what the older was referring to but Jin finished by saying "how much do you need?" Namjoon swallowed thickly, staring down at his shoes "I don't need anything... I'm fine." Jin frowned, noticing the others slim figure and rugged appearance, offering gently "will you let me buy you dinner?" Namjoon's eyes had unintentionally glimmered at the idea of a proper meal. He wasn't starving or anything- just barely scraping by with one, sometimes two meals a day if he had the cash. He wanted to decline, he didn't want or need anything from some rich and handsome guy but at the same time... Jin seemed nice enough to not call the police and take him to lunch so.. Really what was the harm? He had sighed in defeat, mumbling "sure. Thank you."

That was six years ago. After that lunch, Jin had managed to get a phone number out of Namjoon and eventually started spending time with the street smart younger, venturing to the other side of the tracks just to see Namjoon, even convincing the younger to leave his criminal life behind and get an honest job. They'd become great friends and even more over those three years.

Namjoon smiles, the memory of their first meeting still etched into his mind. He glances to his left where Jin is beside him on the couch, the older is hugging his arm like a koala, chin resting on Namjoons shoulder as his pink mop of hair tickles the youngers cheek. Namjoon places a gentle kiss to the mess of hair, causing the older to pull away slightly "you're supposed to be watching 27 dresses with me, but judging by the nostalgic look on your face, you're reminiscing about something..." Namjoon smiles, nodding "yeah. When we first met. You turned my entire world upside down Jin..." Jin rolls his eyes, though there's a hidden fondness behind the action "I know I did, now watch this movie with me! It's almost to my favorite part Namjoonie!" Namjoon chuckles as they resume their previous position "sorry, I'll shut up. Love you." Jin mumbles "love you to." Then their attention is back on the movie.

Soon the movie finishes and Namjoon is left staring blankly at the screen, suddenly lost in thought. It occurs to him that he's never met Jins family. The older stands, jabbering about the movie but it's falling on deaf ears, until Namjoon suddenly blurts out "I want to meet your parents." Jin freezes mid sentence, face blank "Namjoon.. We've gone over this. I don't want them poking their nose where it doesn't belong." Namjoon frowns, staring down at his hands in thought with a whispered "you're ashamed of me," It's not a question, and Jin sighs heavily "that's not the reason and you know it. I told you, my relationship with them isn't great, I just don't see why it's their business who I'm dating." Namjoon bites his lip, raising his voice a little bit as his anger rises "at least you have a family that cares! Nobody wanted me Jin, not even the orphanage. They were glad when I ran away, I don't have a family. You should learn to appreciate them more, I don't care how horrible they are, at least they love you enough to bother you!" Jin instantly rushes over, grabbing both of Namjoons and hands and kneeling before the younger who's seated on the couch "shh... Don't say that. I'm sure they love you... Look, I'm sorry. I tend to forget how important a families love is. It's one thing I've taken for granted. If you really want to meet them, I'll arrange it." Namjoon nods, cooly wiping a stray tear with a nod "I'd like that. Thank you," Jin smiles, leaning forward to kiss his boyfriend briefly "no problem."

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