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Office AU

Yoongi huffs in irritation as his phone beeps with yet another text. He's trying to work on the finance reports for the month in the office but someone keeps texting his phone, and it's starting to piss him off. Finally after the fifth message, he snatches his phone off the counter and sees five text messages from none other than Jungkook... The texts read 'Hyung...Is it normal to wake up duct taped to the wall?', 'I'm serious.', 'Hyung', 'Hyung' and 'save me save me' growling he replies with a quick '?' Before tossing his phone aside again and trying to resume his work. But not even a minute passes before his phone beeps six more times. His eye twitches in irritation, opening the
Messages to see the younger's odd texts reading 'Yoooooongiiiii hyuuuuuunngggg', 'TT TT do you know who did this?', 'wait. It was Taehyung, 'he just came out of the bathroom', '...he left', and 'IM STILL ON THE WALL' irritation and anger overflows from Yoongi and he quickly replies with a simple 'fuck off Jungkook' how irritating, Yoongi thinks. He doesn't care for anyone he works with, Jungkook being just a little extra irritating today. He glances to his right to see their red headed receptionist, Jimin, giggling as Taehyung leans against the counter. Honestly the two make Yoongi sick. Its so obvious how in love Taehyung is with Jimin, but Jimins engaged to a guy named Jackson, he and Jimin have been engaged for nearly three years now. It's almost sad, Jimin is so oblivious to the fact that Jackson doesn't want to commit. But Taehyung still talks to Jimin with a love filled gaze every day.

Yoongi glances around the office, noticing Namjoon tossing crumpled pieces of scrap paper into a can across the room, he chuckes, waving to the younger who grins. About that time, Jungkook yells from the break room, loud enough for their manager Seokjin to hear. Jin pokes his head out of his office, eyebrows raised "who's yelling and why?" Yoongi shrugs as if he doesn't have a clue, and everyone else pretends to be busy, pretending they didn't just hear Jin. The manager shrugs it off, ducking back into his private office and Yoongi finally caves. No he doesn't like Jungkook, in fact he hates everyone at his dead end job. He hates how Taehyung always drags Jimin into the office pranks, hates how Jungkook and Taehyung argue non stop about their desks being too close, hates how Namjoon and Hoseok laugh at everything. How do those two get any work done??! But if he has to pick a least hated person, it's Jungkook. He's always nice enough to Yoongi, he never intentionally grates on his nerves and if the younger knows something Yoongi hates, he avoids it if at all possible. Grumbling a string of curse words under his breath he stands up, flipping the still giggling Taehyung and Jimin off, before storming into the break room with a pair of scissors in hand. He sees Jungkook taped to the wall, looking at the older pleadingly "hyung you came to rescue me!" Yoongi rolls his eyes, holding back a smile at the slightly amusing sight. He's going to have to congratulate Taehyung later for managing to actually tape Jungkook to a freaking wall. It surprises him slightly because Jungkook is waaaayyy stronger than Tae and he wonders briefly if the brunette drugged Jungkook to subdue him but he soon remembers Jungkook's text that had said 'is it normal to wake up duct taped to a wall?' Which means, yes, Taehyung did drug him. Shrugging it off he begins cutting the tape away piece by piece, grumbling in irritation "you owe me big time Kookie. I was in the middle of important work when you interrupted me" Jungkook snickers "alright fair enough. I owe you one giant favor, whatever you want. But let's face it hyung, you weren't in the middle of 'important business' because that doesn't exist here, we just sell paper" Yoongi does chuckle at that, it's true.

Soon enough Jungkook has been freed from his, prison? And he laughs "I'm so gonna kill Tae for this" Yoongi nods "I'll help. I'm gonna go get him, he needs to clean his mess up" Yoongi looks at the wall where a massive amount of tape still remains since he'd only cut enough of way to free the younger and left the rest. Not to mention that he just tossed the tape he'd cut off on the floor out of spite. Jungkook smiles, but as Yoongi opens the door the younger pauses "umm hyung?" Yoongi raises an eyebrow, letting the door shut to give them privacy. Judging by the younger's tone it was something only between them, and if anyone else heard it, well everyone would know by five o'clock. Small office, no secrets. Jungkook rubs the back of his neck sheepishly "do you want to come over for dinner later? Since it's Friday, I know you live alone and well I do to, but will you let me cook you dinner as a thank you? I'll still owe you a favor" Yoongi wants to decline, honestly, because he has a rule against befriending anyone he works with but Jungkook's hopeful and innocent gaze cracks his tough shell, and he caves "I guess. But you still owe me" Jungkook nods happily, smiling widely "thank you hyung!" Yoongi smiles slightly, opening and holding the door open for the younger to exit first. To Yoongi's surprise however, Seokjin is standing just outside his office with an eyebrow quirked in amusement "there had better be a good reason for the two of you staying in the break room that long.." Yoongi rolls his eyes and walks past the manager, knowing full and well that Jin isn't actually mad, with a sigh "Taehyung taped him to the wall. I was cutting him down, which reminds me.." Yoongi turns to stare at the reception desk where Taehyung is still leaning against the counter, eyes widened at the dangerous tone in Yoongi's voice "y-yeah?" Yoongi glares, eyes narrowing "go clean up your shit before I tape you to the hood of my car" Taehyung gulps, quickly scurrying away to the break room, earning a chuckle from Jin "well I'll be in my office if you guys need me" Namjoon huffs "we sell paper hyung, what could we possibly need??" Yoongi takes his seat, holding back a chuckle because that little comment actually will make Jin mad. Especially since Namjoon said it.

Collection of BTS one shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें