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Jimin couldn't believe his ears when Jungkook asked "Jimin hyung? Do you want to go on a vacation together?" Over their break. He could only stutter out "s-sure" to the maknae. After over two years of one sided love, Jungkook was actually showing him affection and even wanted to take a trip together! Even as he sat beside his crush on the plane he couldn't believe his situation. Needless to say he couldn't stop smiling like an idiot the entire plane ride while the maknae slept.

Finally landing in Busan, checking into the room, and ordering some food, Jimin laid down on his bed with a grin. About that time Jungkook strolled into their shared room from the bathroom, grinning at the older "what's so funny?" Jimin sat up, shaking his head with a chuckle "nothing. And that's hyung to you!" Jungkook chuckled, laying down on his own bed "I'm tired." Jimin glanced at a clock "it's almost nine. Get some rest we're gonna be busy the rest of the weekend.." They both finished getting ready, and headed to bed early.

The two days flew by quickly, visiting favorite restaurants from their youth, family members, and simply spending time together. But eventually the vacation slowly crawled to an end. Jimin found himself frowning as he carried his cup of coffee up to their room to prepare for their flight later that morning. He'd gone down to get some breakfast, not bothering to wake the younger up and let him rest.

When Jimin unlocked the door and stepped into the hotel room silently, his jaw dropped open in shock when he took in the sight before him. Jungkook was asleep on his stomach, tightly snuggling his pillow, sheets only covering the hips down. The first rays of morning sunlight shining on him made Jimin speechless, nearly dropping his coffee from surprise. Slowly tip toeing into the room then quietly locking the door, he placed his coffee on the bedside table and sat on the edge of his bed. Jimin simply watched the younger for a few moments, memorizing the angelic sight of his crush. But a sudden voice surprised him. Jungkook had quietly mumbled "you're staring.." And snuggling further into the pillow. Jimin flushed in embarrassment, frantically moving to the other side of his bed to stare at the wall mumbling "s-sorry! I wasn't staring, I-I was just uhh... Watching the sunrise!" Jungkook chuckled "the curtains are closed except for a crack."

Jimin blushed brightly "ok fine I was staring... You look cute when you're sleeping..." Jimin could hear sheets ruffling as Jungkook shifted in bed, most likely rolling away from the older. But to Jimin's surprise, he felt the bed dip down behind him and he quickly turned around only to be met with the love of his life's face mere inches away from him.

Jimin instantly stiffened, quickly turning back around as Jungkook spoke "Jimin, why have you been acting so weird? I mean I'm used to you being all clingy and flirty for fan service but.. I'm not used to you being reserved and shy... Did I do something?" Jimin let out a quiet bitter laugh "I don't do all of that stuff for fan service Jungkook." The younger thought a moment, finally asking "then why?" Jimin turned around, crossing his legs to sit and face the shirtless maknae "because I like you. I've had a crush on you ever since we were trainees.." The younger stared at him, unreadable expression "I know" the words sent a sharp pain to Jimin's heart, and he gripped his shirt over his chest, looking down at his lap as tears welled in his eyes "you've known this whole time? And you didn't bother to tell me you don't feel the same way?! You let me waste nearly three years of my life chasing you because you didn't have the heart to tell me?!" Jimin huffed out an angry sigh, quickly standing to his feet and rushing to the door.

Just as he opened the door, he was suddenly spun around as his back was pinned against the door. Jungkook was standing in front of him, hands on both sides of Jimin to cage the older "you didn't let me finish!" Jimin blinked in surprise at the anger lacing the younger's voice, and he let his tears fall. Jungkook sighed, hanging his head low "yeah I knew from the beginning but I didn't do anything about it because I've been trying to figure out how I feel about you." He looked up to gaze into Jimin's eyes, voice softening even more "I didn't want to reject you, and I gradually started getting these weird feelings around you and I didn't understand any of it..." Jungkook gently held Jimin's face between his hands, brushing the tears away with his thumbs "these past few months, I finally realized how I feel. I'm in love with you Jimin. I was going to tell you this weekend but we didn't have time... The moment was never right.." Jimin held the younger's wrists softly, smiling widely "I'm in love with you to..." Jungkook smiled brightly, pulling the older into a hug before gently kissing the crown of his head "I love you Jiminie." Jimin sighed happily "I love you to Kookie." Then they leaned in for a sweet first kiss.

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