Clutzy proposal

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(AU; part two of the Namjin :3)

Namjoon had never been the most coordinated person, but when the time came for him to propose to his boyfriend Jin of five years, he thought it would go off without a hitch. Unfortunately his poor coordination paired with his bad luck ruined the romantic dinner, or so he thought.

He took a deep breath to calm his nerves as his right hand fumbled with the small velvet box in his coat pocket, tonight was the night he would propose to the love of his life. He'd planned the night out perfectly, shopping all day then a romantic dinner at a new restaurant Jin had been dying to try for weeks. Namjoon had been saving up for years for this night. He'd bought the ring months ago, but the rest of the money he'd saved was to spoil Jin the entire day.

When the long treacherous day of shopping finally drew to an end as the couple pulled up to the restaurant, Namjoon found himself getting nervous. But as they were seated in the corner, he relaxed slightly at the thought of always being comfortable around Jin. He had that aura about him, calming and comforting at all times. He stared across the table at Jin with a love sick grin, making the older roll his eyes and blush. Deciding to start on his speech, he took a sip of his wine "So Jinnie did you have fun today?" Jin raised an eyebrow at the sudden question but shrugged, looking around "it's been a lovely day, but I would have had a good time no matter what if you're with me." Namjoon blushed a little at that, it surprised him "does that mean you didn't like all of the shopping?" Jin shook his head "no no no! It's not that, I mean.. I would've had just as much fun sitting in our home cuddling. You know how I am.." Namjoon nodded in understanding, smiling sweetly "I know. I thought this would be nice for a change" Jin sipped his wine "it's certainly romantic, any surprises this evening?" Something about that look in Jin's eyes made Namjoon think he had already figured it out "no. Why do you assume that? I can't be romantic out of the blue?" Jin rolled his eyes "of course you can but we've been together five years and you've never done anything like this Namjoonie..." The younger stood up, scoffing "Yes I have! Look whatever I'll be right back" then he headed off to the bathroom.

He splashed some water on his face, panic gripping his mind. Jin knew, he had to! He let out a heavy sigh and stumbled out of the bathroom, and his eyes landed on a giggly girl sitting in his seat, obviously flirting with Jin. His Jin. His mind clouded with anger and he zoned out, not realizing he was about to knock something over. Their table was on the patio, which had beautiful light fixtures everywhere. Namjoon ran smooth into one of the stands, knocking it over along with the strands of lights attached to it. A loud shatter could be heard and soon everyone in the restaurant was staring at none other than Kim Namjoon. His eyes were wide, and he'd frozen in place out of fear.

Needless to say the couple was forced to leave, along with a big bill to pay for the damages. Jin hadn't said a word, arms folded tightly across his chest and a blank expression. Namjoon kept his gaze downcast, unable to look at his love out of shame. He'd ruined their perfect night. He couldn't propose now, the timing wasn't right. His thoughts continued on the same path as he drove them home in silence, frown firmly fixed across his lips, but he didn't notice Jin watching him carefully. Finally arriving home, Namjoon unlocked the front door and instantly plopped down on the couch, rubbing his forehead from the headache. His hand fell to his side when he Jin seated himself in his lap "don't beat yourself up over it Namjoonie.." He sighed, smiling sadly at the older "I'll try not to hyung. I just want to go to bed ok?" Jin shook his head "no, I'm not letting you up until you get whatever this," he gestured to Namjoon "is out of your system. So talk." Namjoon sighed, closing his eyes "I ruined our night babe. I feel terrible, just let me sleep it off please" Jin shook his head again, kissing the younger's neck softly as his hands moved to take Namjoon's coat off. Jin noticed something in the pocket, and pulled the small velvet box out with a raised eyebrow as he cleared his throat. Namjoon's eyes widened and he tried to snatch it back "give it back. It's not the right time!" Jin rolled his eyes and put it in Namjoon's hand "so you were going to propose weren't you? That's why you're so upset?" The younger could only nod sadly, but Jin surprised him by laughing "baby you could've proposed to me just hanging out around the house I wouldn't have cared! The only thing that matters is that you ask." Namjoon stared at his boyfriend in shock, grinning and kissing Jin briefly "you're the best Princess. I'm sorry about everything that happened, will you please just marry me?" Jin nodded happily, tears brimming in his eyes as he kissed the younger roughly. When they parted Jin smirked "took you long enough to ask."

Collection of BTS one shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora