twenty two // no thank you's

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a few days later

"i love this song," i said as matty played if you were there, beware by arctic monkeys.

"it seems like one of those songs you could fuck to, you know?" he said. i nodded in agreement.
"i've thought the same thing," i said, reaching into the drawers to find my pajamas. i turned around and changed my shirt. i heard matty come up behind me.

"i like this on you," he messed with my bralette i wore under my shirt, "it's enticing. it looks hot on you, too." i felt myself blush. i turned to face him.

"oh really? you think so?" i moved my shoulder around, making one of straps fall down. matty traced his fingers over my collarbones. seconds later, his lips traced over the same spots.

i leaned back and pulled off my bralette.
"that's much better," he groaned. his hands grasped onto my breasts.
"i love how it feels," i moaned.
"mhm, you do, princess? you want more?" he teased.
"please," i whined, "daddy, i need more." matty kept his hands on my breasts and began to kiss me.

"ooh!" i heard someone yell from the door. george was in the doorway.
"george!" matty screeched. i turned around so george didn't see me.

"wolf alice are here for dinner. we ordered pizza. you guys can fuck after," adam said walking by.
"you fools gave me blue balls!" matty yelled.
"for fucks sake, matty, you can fuck 'er anytime!" adam replied. i slipped on my shirt and turned around.

"nice to see you're decent, willie!" george teased.
"hush, georgia!" i shouted, laughing. i followed them into the kitchen. i was immediately awestruck by a handsome boy with shaggy, dark hair. i gawked for a few seconds, matty noticed.

"willow," matty said. i snapped back and looked.
"sorry," i muttered. he looked at me as if i was insane. i sat down beside him at the finally-cleaned table.

the boy reached his hand out to me.
"i'm joel amey," he smiled. i blushed a little bit.
"i'm willow luna, but you can me wils," i said. i saw matty tense up beside me. was he jealous?
"i like the name," joel smiled at me.
"thank you, i personally don't like it. it's such an odd name," i laughed.

"i think it's beautiful and unique," he said. his eyes mesmerized me.
"thank you," i stuttered slightly. i looked over at matty, who seemed uneasy. i reached down to grab his hand for reassurance, he quickly pushed me away.

"hello, sorry i'm late," a pretty blonde girl said walking in. "i'm ellie rowsell."
"hello, i'm willow," i said. they all went around introducing themselves.

"are you going on tour, too?" joel asked me.
"yes," i replied giddy.
"performing? or?" he looked up at me.
"oh, i'm going with matty," i said. matty looked up and shot a sarcastic grin.
"someone's still salty about the cockblock," george muttered beside me. i laughed a little. joel looked confused.

matty bit his lip and leaned his head down. he seemed pissed.
"matty," i said softly to only where he could hear me, "we're just joking." he took a deep breath and pounded his fists on the table. he then got up and walked outside.

"don't mind him," ross said to ellie, who looked shocked.
"sorry," i muttered to joel, "i need to go." i dismissed myself and followed matty outside.

"matty!" i called out. i didn't see him yet. i walked around outside near the curb. "matty!"
"what?" i heard him scoff. i followed his voice.
"what's wrong with you?" i asked.

"i wasn't going to sit there and let you fuckers humiliate me. plus, what you were doing was pissing me off," he flicked his cigarette on the ground and reached into his pack for another.

"i wasn't doing anything, matty," i sat beside him.
"you were making me jealous, and you knew it. you knew what you were doing to me," he huffed.
"are you jealous, daddy?" i whimpered. i saw him tense up again.
"you know how i feel about that," he wrapped his arm around me. "i don't like being felt like i'm in competition with someone."

"there isn't any competition, daddy. you're the only one," i said. i took the cigarette from his lips and took a smoke, then handed it back.
"don't do me like that again, princess. it won't end well for your little bum," he smirked.
"i promise it won't happen again, sir."

i wasn't believing my own words. joel was attractive. i couldn't promise matty wasn't in competition. but we aren't even dating. i'm allowed to talk to other people, right?


ayyy how u feel about joel ?
stay tuned y'all gonna hate me soon :))
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ps 700 reads omg tysm

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