four // pink skies

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i slept in past my 7 am alarm for school, it was now 9. my mom would be getting up for work around now. i could either hide, or have her yell at me for not going.

i decided to cram myself into my closet.
"willow?" she called out. i heard footsteps coming towards my bedroom door.

she called out, "willow?" once again before opening the door. i peered my eyes through my closet. she stood at the doorway.

"willow, i see you. you're not slick. come our right now." she shouted.

I wryly stepped out to await my fate. i silently stared, waiting for her to go off as she always does.

she continued, "you're missing another day? I'm done trying to convince you to get your shit together. you clearly want to ruin your life, and i'm done trying to prevent it. you're going to find a job by your 18th birthday, or your present from me will be the door locks changed. "

i gasped and nearly shrieked. "mom, please, i'll figure something out. just please give me a few weeks." i could tell she wasn't playing around this time.

how could she? where would i go? what about my future plans?

i hadn't even thought that far ahead, to be fair. i cant help but to think she's still being cruel. why should i be expected to have my life planned out by 18?

"choose wisely, willow. i am not going to be forgiving any longer." she said, and walked away.

that uneasy feeling came back. that lost, hopeless feeling. it reminds me of that feeling i had long ago..

i decided to call my best friend, Ava. once the line picked up, i spoke, "Ava, i slept in. things are looking really bad for me."

bad was a complete understatement.
i would be absolutely fucked in 3 weeks. literally, in all aspects.

the line was silent for a good 30 seconds. she sighed loudly, "okay, i'll sign out and come to your house. dress comfy, lets go have a picnic," she said before the call dropped.

i remembered matty was in the studio today, so i didn't bother texting him just yet. i didn't want to be a bother.

but lately he's all i think about.

"why did you sleep in?" i heard from the living room. "you knew this would piss your mom off, you're already on bad terms as it is."
i sighed and walked in to see Ava throwing her oversized purse onto the sofa. she always had the luxuries i never had.

"i'm aware. i was up late last night. up until 3 am.." i dragged on. "i'm just struggling all around."
"3-fucking-am? Willow Luna awake on a sunday night until 3 am? no way," Ava gawked.
"Um, yeah." i softly spoke. i didn't know if i should bring it up.

"were you high?" she asked. my eyes widened at her words. "drunk?"
"no!" i snapped. on a different high - maybe
"okay, what had you up so late?" she asked sassily. i couldn't lie to her. i couldn't get out of this one.

"I was talking with someone, a special someone," i said. fuck, she's gonna start asking questions.

"Again, no way. Willow Luna talking to someone special? You're high," she deadpanned.
"Uh, this special someone is 27.. and he's also in a band. "

Ava's face dropped. she gawked and gasped at the words that fell from my mouth.
"27, AND in a band? What the hell?" she shouted. "who is he! i don't know if i'm more curious, or disgusted."

"Matty Healy," i said softly. she wouldn't believe me.

"you're funny." she smiled. "nice try."
"Ava, i'm serious," i said.
"Prove it then," she snapped. "i don't believe you."

i grinned at her words, knowing she'll be choked up when i'm right. i grabbed my phone and facetimed matty. to my surprise, he answered.

"what's poppin', gorgeous?" he said
"nothing, just wanted to see how your day is going," i said. cheesy, but it worked. i looked over at Ava who was flabbergasted. her eyes widened.

"I'm working on music for our second album," he gave me a cheesy smile.
"ooh, do i get a sneak peak?" i asked.

"i'm recordin' 17 songs for it, but they aren't all new songs. i promise you'll get a sneak peek when i have more done," he said. he was so enthusiastic about his words.

"well, i'll leave you to that," i looked over at Ava, who had walked into my room. i looked around to be sure she wasn't around and i said, "bye, daddy," in a giddy voice, making matty smile.

"bye, baby doll." i ended the call.
"Daddy!" Ava shouted. shit, i thought. "this is some wild shit."

"i'm aware, no more questions about it."


Ava and i piled in her car and headed to have our picnic. i noticed we weren't going there once i saw the golden arches.

"Ava, i thought we were having a picnic, why are we at McDonalds?" i asked.
"well, we don't have one of those cute baskets, or cute snacks. so this will have to do," she shrugged.

Ava ordered a 20 piece chicken nugget meal, a large fry, and a large drink.
"look, it's a picnic on a budget since i haven't got my allowance yet," i looked at her and laughed.


daddy. // the 1975Where stories live. Discover now