twelve // nobody knows

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i had the hardest time sleeping last night. it took all of my strength to get up for school.

"you look like a complete mess," liz said once i sat in the car.
"sorry, not everyone is a model," i retorted sarcastically.
"oh you! i told you to come with me, didn't i?" she indicated about the modeling auditions. "thought so."

i rolled my eyes at her. liz and ava went to a modeling auditions months ago. liz got a call back and ava didn't. they begged me to go, but i couldn't be bothered to.

i'm sure ava was internally bitter over that. it was the one thing her family couldn't buy her.

a pretty face.

"are you even going to college?" i snarled at liz. she's been wrapped up in this modeling for awhile now. i don't know how reliable that would be.

"you should be asking yourself that, wils," she snapped. she was right though. i hadn't applied to any schools and none reached out to me.

"i don't think i'm going to school," i said honestly. liz jerked to a stop.
"what! no!" she shouted.
"you don't have to worry about school. you have your modeling stuff in los angeles, so don't worry over me."

"you're my best friend. you need to go to school," she said a bit calmer. "willow, you at least have to have a plan of some sort. what do you expect to do?" i sighed and didn't respond for a moment.

"liz, i know. i'm stressed out over it from my mom already. she's actually making me move out after my birthday because of it. I need support more than anything right now." i said to her.

liz looked at me with a look of concern. "willow, i promise i'll help you figure something out."

if i decided to go to college, my best bet would be to go to one in new york.
how could i pay for college with no job? college cant be a priority right now. i'm being kicked out.

but if i'm held down in new york, what about matty?


i walked by to my usual table. ava was there, maxwell was too. liz was just getting to the table as soon as i was. we both stood for a moment, deciding what to do.

"are you finally over your bitching?" ava said pointing her sharp acrylics at me.
"i never bitched, ava," i said. liz glared back and forth between us both.

"well, you obviously had such a problem sitting here. it was quite annoying," ava said, being as stuck up as possible. maxwell laughed.

"once a compulsive liar, always a compulsive liar." the words fell from his lips. he always called me a compulsive liar.

a compulsive liar.
when HE sexually harassed me.
i never lied about anything.

i looked over at liz, who's face fell. she believed me over anyone.
"maxwell, that's too far," liz said. ava smiled  and maxwell smirked.
"what, she IS a compulsive liar. making up all that shit then faking being 'emotionally damaged.' bullshit, she knows damn well i never touched her," he snapped.

i looked down and bit my tongue for the sake of ava and liz. i didn't want to break. liz looked around to see an emotion from me.

"i have proof of you sexually harassing me. people saw it. everyone knows, maxwell. ava, you're a disgusting fucking excuse for a best friend," i said smacking the table. i tried controlling myself.

"uh huh," she looked up at me. "that's why you're ridiculously hideous and figureless. you're a fucking twig, with no shape at all. i wonder what anyone even sees in you, honestly," her eyes lowered. "i mean, everyone knows im only your friend as charity work. i made you," she finished.

i couldn't believe this. this is extreme, even for ava.

"you didn't make anything, except for a horrible excuse as a best friend. no wonder your dad left your mom," i snapped. her dad was always a weak spot for her but then again, she did point out my insecurities. i am not sorry.

"ava, this isn't okay!" liz shouted.

her eyes filled with anger. i could see her frustration.
"everyone knows i'm the prettier one!" she shouted, then stormed off. maxwell followed.

clearly, she's severely insecure. it's not my job to be there for her bullshit anymore. this was the final straw.

"i can't deal with her anymore. i seriously can't. i'm done," i said. liz eyes grew big.

"well, you'll always have me," she grinned.


"where am i taking you?" liz asked.
"i don't know, i don't want to go home," i sighed.
"i have to be at a photoshoot in 30 minutes. you can come, too. thats if you want to," she said.
"sure, why not?" i laughed. i would just sit on the sides and watch her, anyways.

"is this the place?" i asked. she pulled up to a large glass building.
"neat, huh?" she smiled. i nodded.

i followed liz into the building since i had the slightest idea where to go.
"liz! liz!" someone called out. we both looked. she seemed affiliated with him when she smiled big.

"who might this be?" the man asked her.
"oh, that's just my friend. she's just tagging along," liz smiled.
"well, i see a fresh face, if you ask me," the man looked me up and down. "ever thought about modelin'?"

i gulped. "no, not really."
"well, you should!" he smiled handing me his card.

Bruce Cooper

"liz, you can change into your outfit upstairs. the photographers are up there, as well," he said. liz trampled up the stairs, leaving me alone. "Ill be back down soon, wils." i nodded.

"would you consider trying modeling?" bruce asked me.
"um, possibly. i just don't think it's for me," i said. "i hadn't thought of it. "

"not for you? you're gorgeous. i mean, your body is exceptional, as well as your hair. your skin tone is perfect, too. all natural?" he questioned.
"yes, sir," i smiled.

"could i take some portraits of you? i'm really hoping you'll consider this. maybe a few portraits will help you decide!" i sighed, yet still agreed.

he pointed at places for me to stand and pose. i have to admit, i was liking it. the photos turned out amazing.

"if you take up this offer, we can get you a contract ASAP, but there's a lot of stuff behind it. you must be on call 24/7, and we need you to check in with your location at all times in case we need you for a shoot. the modeling agency is exceptionally good, and your chances to become something big are high. it's also high demand, too. we can't have any slacking," he said. i made mental notes taking in all of the information. could i actually pull this off?
i don't know if i would want this, but i could use the money.

but, it all comes back to the main question..
what about matty?


another update bc ilysm.
you guys fr make me so happy tysm for all the votes and reads it makes my day to see you guys interact and stuff. i appreciate it so so much.


daddy. // the 1975Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum