"Liam do me this fucking favor. You know I wouldn't kiss her, you fucking know that." I press, anger fuming throughout my body. I know he's doing this because he loves her but fuck that. "Please Liam, please take her away," sounding like a plead, begging really.

"Fine. But I'm doing it for Y/N. Enough is enough Harry. Stop putting her through so much shit. If you love her, and I mean really love her, let her go." He nostrils flare, eyes dark and intense. I don't I have ever seen Liam this.. Mad? Livid? It's all so fucking new. I hate the fact that he used to damned words on me. Of course I fucking love her, I've done about the damnedest things for her. It would only benefit the hell out of him, that's what he meant.

Liam can act like he has the upper hand because he's been mister goody two shoes, always by her side but he doesn't realize that's not enough to make a girl fall for you. I love the lad, but he's way out of line sometimes. I will always be thankful for the shit he has done for her. Being there to make up for my fuck ups, fixing what was left broken. But now it's my turn to fix what I break and hold it for as long as I humanly can.

He marches towards Kendall who's going on about god knows what. I refuse to let this shit happen, fuck no. Not this damn time. Once I hear him shut her car door with her in it, he drives off with screeching wheels.

I control my breathing to normality, returning my gaze to her. "Y/N, I did not kiss her. I was pushing her off, I swear on every little thing I have. Fuck."

"It was all lies, weren't they?" She finally speaks. Her voice sounds too calm and careless. "You fucked me. You got what you wanted, right? Of course. You saw me vulnerable and thought that was the perfect opportunity. History does repeat itself, doesn't it?" She's biting on her lip. That same fucking lip I bit over and over again yesterday. This is more heart wrenching than seeing her cry, well almost. "Kendall though, really?"

"Please let me explain. For the love of God, please I am begging you to let me explain," my voice is hoarse from the amount of force I'm putting into it. She mockingly laughs at me, not the same genuine beautiful life that brings joy to my ears. That alone let's me know she's done with it. She's done with me and my bullshit. Hell, anyone with the right mind would.

"No Harry. Enough. We had sex, and that's what you wanted. I'm not going to hold it against you. But if you have any decency in you, any, please go." She says through gritted teeth. It may be because I'm a stubborn fuck, but I am standing my damn ground.


It is taking everything within for me not to cry. The huge lump in my throat is hurting so bad but I am so sick of crying for Harry. That's all I ever do. After asking him to go, he still hasn't budged. Stubborn son of a bitch he is. What possibly more could Harry want? Wasn't it just a nail and bail?

"Harry," I press further. "I'm begging to let this go. Let me be happy. Along the way I will learn to forget you, and you will too. You'll eventually find yourself and what you want, enough is enough." My bottom lip quivers, voice becoming shaky. He bravely enough wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me in super close to his chest. I squirm, furiously move but his hold is too much for me.

Our foreheads press together and finally after battling a long battle deep inside myself, I break. Small sobs spill from my mouth and if I am not mistaken, he's crying too.

"Do you think I would do this to you? I love you so fucking much. Why the fuck would I choose Kendall over you?" He sniffles, his grip only getting tighter. That entrancing smell is getting to me, filling up my nostrils. I hate how much he weakens me. Not this time.

"You did it once." I remind him. Last night I was the happiest I had ever been in so long. The most beautiful thing that ever happened, and of course it was short lived. This was brought upon myself on my behalf. "You also used Sofia for sex, you did that once too." He winces when I mention his wrong doings to his face. "Let me go," I plea, "please Harry. I don't want to scream but I will if you don't let me go." My threat works and his grip loosens but not entirely.

Nothing's fine, I'm tornWhere stories live. Discover now