"Do you know how hard it is going to be for me to not fuck you, make love to you like I want to on this small bed? I'm fucking morbid but fuck do I want you so bad. I want to get lost in you, in us.." I nearly choke on my cough. His sudden confession makes the heat creep up to my cheeks, flushing a deep crimson by now I'm sure.

His somewhat dirty words are such a turn on. It is evident that we have built some weird sexual tension between us since this morning, because apparently we both have some weird desires. Jesus am I mental!

There's no denying that I have been thinking the same thing all day, but I do not want to give him the gratitude of knowing that. Hell no. Quickly wanting to change the subject, jumbled mess of thoughts in my head swim around, trying to find something to come up with. "Harry, um... Uh, Liam's still out there somewhere. I at least want to say goodnight to him." I say merely above a whisper. My requesting for Harry to stay doesn't mean he's forgiven, because of all people who deserve anything is Liam.

Liam of all people deserve a chance but this isn't exactly giving him a chance. Okay, just tonight. Harry will stay with me for tonight and after that we are done. I know how hopeful Liam is, who am I to crush that? Heck no I won't. Harry nods, like if in need of his damn permission.

"I'll go get him," he whispers while still holding me. He stands from his chair, pushing it back and bending down to hold my head up to meet his eyes. "I love you, thank you for asking me to stay with you tonight," not knowing how to respond, I stay silent. He pecks my lips before opening the door and closing it behind him. This is insanity.

We are so fucked up. Here I am trying, well in the slightest bit to be honest, to stay mad at Harry but every time I feel his presence around me, he ends up swooning me and we end up kissing. Not just kissing, kissing like we're two in love souls. I would not even know if calling this is a form of love. What if it's just a need? A crave? Thinking about it, I don't think it is. I love Harry, but Harry loving me is still a subject that I can't bring myself to believe.


Harry's POV

Walking away from her room, already that pull between is wanting me to back in there. My task is to find Liam so Y/N can tell him goodnight and to go home so we can cuddle up on the bed. Knowing her, of course there won't be any mentioning of this. I know she didn't want to ask me to stay and she's fighting with herself over it, I bet. She needs me though, I need her.
Her talk about destiny not wanting us to be together is utter bullshit, if we weren't none of this would be happening. Both of us wouldn't have to fucking suffer because of our actions. Well mostly my actions, the majority is my fault. For Christ's sake she's in a hospital because of what I did to a man's sister who went off the deep end and kidnapped her.

Passing by a few doors, I smile at the small gasp and shocked look on her features after I told her how bad I wanted her. I wasn't kidding though, I want her so bad. She didn't deny it either. She's so sexy and beautiful besides the real reasons I love her. Any man would fall for her luscious curves, those toned, full legs that could make a man be at her feet in seconds. She doesn't know it, but I am putty in her hands, even Liam is too.

It only takes me a few grazing moments before I find him leaning over a counter, phone in hand. We may be fighting for the same girl, and yes I do plan on taking every chance I get to finally be with her, but that doesn't mean I don't feel for him. He's shown that he loves her, it's more than evident. But she loves me, she only loves him as the good friend he is to her.

Slowly approaching him, he turns up with a quizzical look on his face. "Is she free now?" He asks slightly annoyed. Ignoring his tone and avoiding an eye roll, I simply nod. Not wanting to give anything away that we kissed again. And that more of it is to come. He starts walking but halts turning to face me. He opens his mouth to speak,

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