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*A Few Days Later*

I sat at my desk and looked at the stacks of papers in front of me. I sighed and picked up my pencil to start on my second math assignment. I never realized how much homework I'd have if I missed three days.

"Pepper?" Niall called from the kitchen. "Dinner's ready."

I groaned. "I'm sorry Niall. I can't."

As I heard his footsteps, I punched some numbers into the calculator before scribbling down some numbers. Niall opened the door.

"Pep? What's wrong?"

"School," I grumbled. "I've never missed a day in school, and I've never had this much homework in my life!"

Niall walked behind me and started massaging my shoulders. "I'll bring you some dinner. Pasta sound good?"

"Sounds amazing," I smiled before reaching up and grabbing Niall's hand. "But right now, I need to figure out how to do the composition of functions."

Niall laughed before shutting my door quietly. I turned back to my homework and finished the last problem and then turned to the many science notes I had to copy.

*Later That Night*

"Goodnight, beautiful," Niall whispered as he kissed me on my head.

"Goodnight, Nialler," I smiled as I gave him a peck on the lips.

"Did you get all that homework done?"

"Almost all of it," I groaned. "I'll finish it tomorrow during lunch."

"Alright," Niall kissed me. "Go to bed."

I scoffed. "You're not my parents!"

"I know," Niall said. Then he whispered: "you're my angel."

I blushed as I sprinted up the stairs.

*Few Months Later*

It was the day before Christmas break. As fluffy snowflakes blanketed the courtyard, every teacher purposefully droned on for the 45 minutes they had us, but everyone was buzzing with energy.

Audrey texted me in the middle of science.

Audrey: Can't wait for this day to be over!

Pepper: Same here!

When the bell finally rang, everyone ran out of their classrooms and shouted "Merry Christmas" and "See you next year!" as they slowly left. Audrey, Blair, Niall and I hung around until the superintendent finally kicked us out.

We all piled into Niall's car and drove to his house. The entire way, the three of us girls were belting Christmas songs at the top of our lungs.

"Sorry Niall," I whispered in the middle of Jingle Bells. "I know you're a better singer than we are."

Niall just laughed. "It's alright. I don't really mind." He then started to sing with us, on pitch of course.

When we got back, we all sat in the living room and chatted. When Blair and Audrey left, Niall smiled at me, with his eyes gleaming like a child's.

"Do you wanna decorate the tree?" He asked.

"I'd love to!" I squealed. We both ran to the basement and pulled out the ornaments and Christmas decorations. "We need to go buy a tree!"

"We have a fake one," Niall said as he dragged a box from a shelf. On the box was a picture of a perfectly decorated tree.

"Well that's low," I said flatly.

Niall rolled his eyes. "Just grab the decorations and I'll take the tree."

When everything was hauled upstairs, I rubbed my hands together. "Let's do this."


K I'm sorry I skipped around so much in this chapter. Really, I was just bored.


(I got roses 😊)

Have a Lovely day!

Beyy xoxo

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