Richard tried to pull away but Martin held on.

"Here me out, Jason," he said. "You mentioned that you begged for him to wake up. You even bargained with him that you will hide your feelings just as long as he wakes up. But instead of doing so, he gave his heart to her.

"I am a firm believer in the supernatural. I'm a huge fan of the show too. But seriously, he was listening when you said those words to him. I believe that. He was saving his heart for Maine. And when he was sure that he could leave her to someone he could trust, he wasn't worried anymore. He willingly let go when he knew that you would be there for her. When he knew that you liked her too, he knew Maine would be in good hands."

"I feel like I'm cheating on my brother," Richard muttered under his breath but Martin heard him clearly.

"Richard Jason," Martin said firmly that Richard looked at him in surprise. "You listen and you listen good! Your brother gave you his blessing, I'm sure of it. And I know that he's doing his part to get you to see it. It's all up to you if you will heed your brother or not."

Richard kept silent as he contemplated on what the older man said. Did Rich really give his blessing when he died? Was that really a sign that he wanted him to be with Maine?

All he could do was silently nod in agreement, which Martin took it in a positive way. The older man smiled and leaned back.

"You'd be happy to know that Maine would be staying for the duration of the rotation," Martin said as he drank his already lukewarm coffee.

"That's great to hear," Richard smiled at the news. At least he could be close to her for the next two months. But he had another concern, something that he remembered hearing last night.

"What about Tanya?" He suddenly asked.

"What about her?"

"Are you going to report her?" Richard inquired as he took a sip of his drink. "You said that multiple switchings of scheds can result to suspension. And I've heard that she'd done it at least five times. And one of the people that she switched with forced her to. Tanya threatened her that she'd be moved back to local flights if she didn't change scheds."

"Tanya said that to Maine?!?" Martin exclaimed in disbelief.

"I didn't say it was Maine."

"You didn't have to," Martin replied. "It's written all over your face, Jase. Besides, you never really cared about the other FAs. Don't give me that look, you know I'm right. That's why I never had a problem with you. And before you protest...I want to know how you know this. Did she tell you?"

"Indirectly?" Richard answered unsure of how to proceed. Martin was waiting for an answer so he sighed and explained. "Maine and my brother used to talk all the time via a two-way radio. She apparently still uses it to talk to him occasionally. The other half is still at home, in Rich's room. It was on when I went in and I heard her talking."

Martin contemplated on what Richard told him. Added to the other reports that he was getting and the complaints made by some of the passengers, he would finally have a solid case against Tanya. He would have to keep the FAs anonymous to protect them. But he was already mentally writing his report. He finally smiled.

"You just made my job easier, Jase," he said. "Don't worry. Maine's name will not be mentioned. I'll make sure that all the FAs involved will be protected."

Richard smiled at the news. At least proper punishment will be given to Tanya. At least Maine would be vindicated even if she didn't know about it.

"I almost forgot to mention," Martin said. "I actually wanted to formally welcome Maine to the team. You know, I always do this on the first day of rotation before our first flight so that the FAs and pilots will get to know each other. But since Maine is a new transfer, I was thinking of a small gathering at Grappas so she could get really acquainted with the team. How's tomorrow evening sounds?"

"That's a bar, Martin," Richard scowled at the suggested place. "Maine's not allowed to drink."

"Says who?"

"Says her doctor," he remarked matter-of-factly. "She's taking steroids, oral and injectables. I don't think alcohol and steroids mix well."

Martin frowned and sighed, "I'm sorry. I completely forgot about that. She's so energetic and cheerful, you wouldn't really know that she had a heart transplant if she doesn't tell you. But don't worry, we'll serve her non-alcoholic drinks. And you'll be there to keep an eye on her."

"Great," Richard muttered sarcastically. "Baby-sitting duties."

"And I could see you blushing regardless of what you said," Martin smirked as he noticed that Richard's ears were turning a bit pinkish. "Jason, you know you can't keep anything from me. I know you too well."

Richard smiled and answered, "that's why you're my favorite head FA."

"I am your only head FA."

"That's why you're my favorite," he replied brightly. "I'm hungry. Let's have lunch before you go."

"It depends," Martin smirked. "Are you treating?"

Richard sighed and laughed before he answered, "what the heck. Sure! Why not? This rarely happens anyway."

"Great!" He answered cheerfully. "Let's go. I know this lovely Italian resto on the first floor. It's quite cozy. Dave and I frequent the place."

Richard laughed some more as he let Martin lead him to the favorite restaurant he and his partner frequent. When they entered the place, Richard felt that uncanny sensation at the back of his neck. It was that feeling that he now associated with her. Maine was there.

My Heart Is YoursDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora