Every Inch

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I look around the table to see Alex and most of the vampires have showed up as well. "Blake." I say, turning to him. "This isn't a very romantic question but it's been playing on my mind since yesterday."

"It's the time thing, right?" Blake asks in his fancy little suit. Everyone dressed up for this occasion as they will be doing for the wedding but it's weird to see a bunch of scruffy, plead and tank top wearing, sweaty werewolves dressed up in shirts. Even Emmet dressed up even though his face looks like he wants to murder everyone here.

"Yeah! How has it already been four years? I don't look any different. I still look seventeen not twenty one." I explain.

"You know how for every one year a human has a dog has seven?" Blake asks.


"It's the opposite for us, every seven years humans have, we have one because we live for so much longer than they do." He tells me. "So really it's been about eight months for us but we just feel time go slower than humans."

"And that's why I still look seventeen?"

"Yeah." He replies. "Although it is your birthday in a month."

"Good. I'm craving presents." I giggle.

"Well look around Nora, I think we'll get plenty of wedding presents." He chuckles.

"I guess asking my parents to come is out of the question." I slum.


"Nora." Alex whispers from the door way, knowing I'll be able to hear him. "Pick your fork up and put it back down if you can here me."

I do as he orders.

"Good." He smiles. "I can't tell you what it is but I know you'll love my wedding present."

I smile brightly and go back to the meal. "So when is the wedding?"

"Tomorrow." Blake replies, which makes me slightly choke on my food.

"How?" I ask with my mouth full.

"Werewolves get things done quickly. We'll have the ceremony in the back garden and get everything we need, trust me Nora you'll love it."

* * * * * *

Night soon comes around, the pack spend the eventing organising the wedding and Blake takes me upstairs. "What's got you so happy?" I laugh as he pulls me into our room.

"I'm marrying the woman I love." He says, "What's not to be happy about?" Suddenly he picks me up by my waist and throws me from the door on to the bed. I land plumply on the pillows and soft covers which honestly makes me want to sleep but from the mood Blake's in I can see that won't be happening. Blake appears, shirtless, on top of me, he soon rips another one of mine off. "You know I happened to like that shirt."

"And I happen to like you." He smirks before proceeding. I smile as he embraces me with kisses all over my body.

We scurry under the covers and I feel him touch every inch of my body as I do him, leaving a night to remember before the big day.


Hello to my Wattpad family. If you like the details of those particular scenes sorry I left them out.

But when I write detailed ones some complain and when I don't some also complain but if the people complaining about the sex scenes are about ten then I don't think they should be reading it. Let me know if you want the next hot scene to be detailed or not though.

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