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I wake up in my bed with Blake on his phone beside me. "You're okay." He tells me.

"What happened?" I ask.

"Elizabeth broke in and well tried to take you back but its like a message was sent to me that you weren't okay so I came to check on you and caught her, lets just say she's not coming back." He explains. "Xavier's dealing with the body."

"The baby." I think out loud.

"What about it?" Blake asks.

"I didn't get to tell you about what happened when I was taken." I say.

"So tell me." He orders, putting all his attention on me.

"They wanted to remove the baby, said he/she was an abomination and they had to get rid of it before it could do anything dangerous." I explain. "They tried to cut my stomach to remove him/her with a vervain knife to stop it from healing, but it healed. Then Elizabeth tried again and the knife magically got thrown out of her hand. The baby protects me Blake."

"Is that even possible?" Blake questions.

"I'm pretty sure we're making it up as we go along here." I answer. "So when I was in danger it called to you to save us."

"I suppose that makes sense, they want to kill it and possibly hurt you so it's doing everything it can to help." Blake says.

"I'm starting to like this child." I smile, getting up from under the covers. I walk past the mirror but instantly walk back to it when I see my stomach has grown massively. "Blake!"

"What the hell! Your stomach has like tripled in size!" He exclaims.

"I know! I've never been fat and now I am." I sob.

"Your not fat Nora you beautiful." Blake smiles. "Maybe a hybrid pregnancy only lasts for a month."

"I hope so, then I'll be thin again." I put on one of Blake's tops as mine no longer fit me and head downstairs.

I see Alex with Jackson and Xavier and they all stare at my stomach as I walk in. "What's going on guys?" I ask.

"Us? What's going on with you?" Xavier questions.

"I don't know. Weird pregnancy shit." I reply. "So do I need to ask my question again?"

"Alex has learnt some spells, he's testing them." Jackson replies.

"Show me." Blake orders, walking through the door.

"Hey eavesdropper." I smirk as he places an arm around me.

"Evas Elabuk Estupey." Alex says, holding his palm out to Jackson who begins yelling out in pain for about half a minute before he falls unconscious to the ground.

"I like that one." I smile.

"It's a pain infliction spell." Alex replies.

"Anymore?" I ask.

"Uista de artrasart! Else ulse istamet! Dumi impasset!" He says, looking at the door. "Blake, Nora, try leave."

We both walk to the door and he walks out as normal but I find myself unable to leave, I'm sealed in. "How?" I question as Blake walks freely back in.

"It's a sealing spell for vampires only as your part vampire it works on you." Alex explains.

"Well remember that one, if Emmet gets on our nerves then we can use that." Xavier laughs.

"Otum adnarvet esnavit atim." He says. "That blocks the entrance for everyone."

"I told you my method of locking him in here worked." Blake says to me.

"Osoarmavas ocre item otum et sine." Alex says, pointing at Blake then suddenly he begins to scream out in pain and do a weird type of dance.

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