Cave in the woods

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Blake turns around to me but before he can talk I speak. "W-whose after me?" I ask in fear.

"Nora, I know you have no reason to trust me but you need to right now." Blake says, taking my hand.

"Well I don't. Tell me what's going on." I order, ripping my hand out of his.

"Nora please, it's important." I give into his kind eyes and put my hand into his offered out one and he pulls me out the door with him. As soon as we get outside I hear yells and strangely growls.

Blake leads me down a set of stairs and out the back door, he stops and turns to me. "Are you alright?" He asks.

"I'm fine, just confused." I reply before he picks me up and begins running, carrying me bridal style. His sprint is ridiculously fast and I can barely see what's around me before it's gone as he sprints through the woods. He takes me into a cave and sits me down on a large rock inside it.

"I have to go help but I'm begging you not to leave this cave, it's the only place your safe." Blake tells me.

"Wait." I slide off the rock and grab his forearm, making him turn to face me with caring eyes. "Please, what is going on?"

"I can't tell you, not yet. But soon I promise." Blake says before pulling me into a warm and tight hug. I inhale his manly smell before realising I'm hugging my kidnapper and I pull away. "Don't leave." He sprints out the cave entrance and a part of me thinks to leave but even if I did I'd be lost and if I'm safe here I don't fancy leaving and possible meeting who ever has them all so scared.

I wait for what feels like hours until I feel my eyes get heavy, I try to stay awake for as long as I can but I've had a long and scary day not to mention being knocked out and I soon fall asleep.

* * * *

I wake up staring at the ground, hanging over someone's shoulder. I push myself up and recognise the back of Blake's head and let out a sigh of relief, realising it's not anyone I don't know. "I was glad to see you too princess." He chuckles.

"I wasn't glad to see you, I was glad to not see anyone else." I say. "And don't call me that."

Blake shuffles his shoulder and arm which shakes my body, making my hands slip out from between Blake's back and my body. I face plant Blake's back before hearing him chuckle. "Very funny." I say in a sarcastic voice.

"I thought so." He smirks.

"What happened? How long was I asleep?" I question.

"Less than a hour." He replies.

A few minutes later we come out of the woods and Blake sets me down on my feet, I feel wobbly and stumble a little. He latches his arms to my waist and holds me up right. "Are you okay?" He asks.

"I'm fine just have a headache." I sigh.

"You're probably dehydrated, all you've had is that Starbucks today." Blake says.

"Stalker." I laugh, pushing his hands off my waist. He runs his fingers through mine and locks them together.

"I'm sorry all this happened to you." Blake sighs. "It was unavoidable, I needed you."

"Why?" I sigh, knowing he won't answer my question.

"Lets just go inside." He smiles. "I'll get you a drink." I pull my hands out of his and walk ahead of him into the house.

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