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| chapter forty-eight

I hang up my call with Hannah, and grab a pair of jeans from my closet.

Today was Saturday, personally my favorite days of the week. It's the only day where you don't even have to think about school.

Since my mom finally gave us our cars back last night, Jacob and I would be going out. Just the whole day, us. Nobody else to worry about, just us two.

I finish putting on my outfit and walk across the hall to the bathroom. I begin to brush my teeth when I see a figure from the corner of my eye.

"Can I help you?" I turn to face Jacob with my toothbrush still in my mouth.

He crosses his arms and smiles.

"Hello?" I repeat myself, accidentally drooling out a bit of toothpaste.

"Are you sure you're sixteen, babe?" Jacob laughs. I roll my eyes and wipe my mouth with a towel.

"Anyways, I was gonna tell you I'll be out in the car." He leans down, and laces up his shoes.

"Okay," I continue to brush my teeth, checking my appearance.

"I love you." He smiles. I smile and nod not wanting to drool again by speaking.

Jacob leaves the bathroom and I hear his footsteps slowly fade away.


"Blue or white?" I ask Jacob, holding up two different t-shirts.

"Blue looks good." He smiles, and returns his attention back to his phone. We were currently out shopping since that is what we do most.

"Are you gonna get those jeans?" I ask him, looking down at the jeans in his hand.

"Should I?" He asks, holding them up a little higher.

I nod and smile. "Definitely."

He puts them in the cart and I hold onto the handle, leading us around the large store.

"I'm hungry," I hear Jacob complain from behind me. I decide to ignore him, looking at the large amounts of hoodies.

"I know you heard me," Jacob gets closer, moving his hand to my lower back. I shyly smile, pretending as if I couldn't hear him and grab hoodie off of the rack.

He pulls my body towards him, my back side against his front. His hands move to my stomach, and I could feel his breath against the back of my neck.

"Answer me, Skylar." He says softly, kissing my shoulder. His hands move down lower and my breath hitches.

"Okay, okay." I pull away. "I heard you." My heart was racing, I look back at Jacob who was looking down at the floor with a smirk still clear on his face.

Jacob walks forward and grabs the cart, taking it with him to the check out.

I follow behind him, blushing at the thought of what had just happened.

We both grab the bags and walk out to the parking lot.

"Pop the trunk," I say as Jacob gets in the car. The familiar sound echoes and I find the button, opening the trunk.

I put the bags in, Jacob walks around putting the rest of the bags in and I shut the trunk.

I get in the car, buckling my seat belt and Jacob does the same.

"Where are we going?" I ask, looking over as he starts up the car.

"I'm craving a burger," He dramatically licks his lips, causing me to laugh. The car backs out of the parking space and we make our way downtown.

I watch out the window, observing the different shops until we pull in front of a restaurant.

"What's this place?" I ask curiously, unbuckling my seatbelt.

"Well it's new, and people said its good so here we are." Jacob chuckles. I smile, getting out of the car and stretching.

Jacob gets out of the car and we walk side by side into the small restaurant. Right away I am taken by the delicious smell. All of a sudden, I feel extremely hungry.

"Good afternoon, folks." A lady greets us with a southern accent.

"Just two?" She asks, looking between Jacob and I. I nod and she grabs two menus, leading us to a table.

Jacob pulls my chair out for me. "Thank you." I smile and sit down. He sits down as well and the lady hands us our menus.

"Can I start you off with anything to drink?" She asks, pulling out a notebook and pen.

"Sprite, please." I smile, crossing my legs under the table. She nods, writing down my order.

"And for you?" She looks at Jacob. He scans the menu before answering.

"Iced tea." He smiles. I scrunch my nose. The lady walks away, leaving Jacob and I alone.

"You drink tea?" I ask, shaking my head.

"Yeah, what's wrong with that?"

"It's nasty." I explain, looking at my menu.

"Correction, it's delicious." Jacob says with a smile. I laugh and shake my head.

The waitress returns with our drinks. "Thank you." I take a sip from the straw.

"Do we know what we want?" She asks, shifting all her weight to one leg.

"I'll take a bacon cheeseburger." Jacob looks at me and wiggles his eyebrows up and down.

"I'll have the same as him." I tell her. She nods and takes both our menus.

"She's nice." I compliment her as she leaves the table.

"You know, most waiters are." Jacob says sarcastically, taking a drink of his iced tea.

"Shut up." I shake my head, and look around the restaurant.


Do me a favor and check out M_Lapuz-2017 's story please! She actually is working on a book that I love. I promise you'll love it too. Thanks guys ❤️
- B

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