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| chapter forty

"I'm bored." Hannah complains as we walk around the large zoo.

"Hey, you chose to come here, not me." I defend myself, looking at the tiger exhibit. Jacob grips tighter onto my hand, swaying our arms back and forth.

"Could the owner of the white Audi A4 vehicle come to the front office, please?" A male voice booms over the intercom.

I ignore the message, putting my hand on the glass, watching as the tiger inches closer.

"Skylar, hello?" Hunter says, causing me to turn around. "You have a white Audi A4." He says, referring to the message over the intercom.

I slightly tilt my head to the side. Why would they possibly need me?

I slowly make my way to the front of the building in search for the office. Once finding it, I carefully knock on the door.

A man opens it, looking at all of us.

"Can I help you?" He asks.

"Um, yeah I'm the owner of the Audi A4." I say nervously. He raises both his eyebrows, nodding his head and letting us all in the small space.

My eyes go wide and my heart sinks when I spot two police officers and a search dog on the left side of the room.

"This is her." The man says to the officers, holding his arm out in front of me.

One of the officers nods before walking towards me.

"Hello." He introduces himself. "I'm officer Brown. I work at the K9 training facility just across the street." He holds his hand out for me to shake.

I nervously attach my hand with his, giving it a firm shake.

"Anyways, every once in a while we take a few dogs around the parking lots to test their skills. It took us by surprise when our dog here had a strange reaction once getting close to your vehicle." He explains, looking back at the German Shepard.

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. Why would the dog have a strange- oh my god. The weed! It's in the middle console.

I look over at Jacob, who was nervously tapping his foot against the floor beneath us.

"O-oh, I see." I struggle to get the words out of my mouth, looking up at officer Brown.

"We would like to search the vehicle with your permission." He says, causing me to gulp.

"Search my car?" I ask with my hands shaking.

"Yes ma'am." He nods his head. I look back at Jacob, Hunter, and Hannah who were all looking down.

"Sure, that's no problem." I say. He smiles, waving his hand for his partner to join us.

"Just lead me to the car, and we'll let you carry on with your day." He says.

I turn around and push open the door, walking to the parking lot.

I'm so dead.

I get to the car and unlock the doors, stepping back for the officers. They start to search the car, and I feel my palms sweat.

"This is your wake up call, Jacob. No more after today." I say so only he could hear me. He nods agreeing.

"I'll throw it all out when we get home." He nervously tells me while keeping his eyes on the scene in front of us.

"There's something in the middle console." Officer Brown says, while watching the search dog bark.

"May we open it?" He asks, looking back at me. I nod my head. There was no point in saying no now, because then you look even more suspicious.

He opens the console and sighs when he pulls out the pipe and lighter.

"Well, there's the problem." He says, getting out of the car and holding up the items.

"How old are you ma'am?" He asks me, stepping closer.

"Sixteen, sir." I nervously rub my hands together.

"I thought so." He looks at all of us. "Let me just say, you kids are very lucky you're minors." He says, putting the pipe and lighter into a bag.

"Are we off the hook?" Hunter asks, scratching the back of his neck.

"Not exactly." Officer Brown says. "I'll need the number to one of your guardians."

I feel a tear slip out before quickly wiping it away. I couldn't imagine the look on my moms face after finding this out.


After waiting in the office, my mom and Austin finally walk in. They give us all a disappointed look and shake their heads.

"Well, I'll just need a signature and you're good to go." Officer Brown says. I stand up from my chair, along with everybody else.

"Thank you, officer." My mom says after signing the sheet. She turns around and faces me.

"I am so disappointed Skylar Roberts, so disappointed." She says, making my chest hurt. "You can drive home, but once we get back, your keys are mine." She says sternly, walking past me and out the door.

"I'm sorry-" Jacob grabs my arm.

"Save it, Jacob." I say angrily, bumping into his shoulder on my way out.

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