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| chapter twenty-eight

"Happy Birthday, Skylar!" My mom and Austin barge through my bedroom door. I sit up and yawn, rubbing my eyes.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Skylar, happy birthday to you." They sing out of tone, which causes me to giggle.

I look over and see Jacob leaning against the door frame, still in his pajamas. He flashes me a smile.

"Breakfast is downstairs, honey. Come down when you're ready." My mom says and kisses my forehead. I nod my head and everyone exits my room.

Sixteen, wow. You know, apparently this is supposed to be a big deal, but in all honesty I feel seven years old.

I get up from my bed and tie my hair up into a ponytail. Once doing that, I decide to change into warmer clothes. I grab a pair of sweatpants and hoodie and put those on.

My phone goes off and I rush over to my bed, pressing the home screen.

Lots of text messages pop up and I smile.

from: jade
>> happy birthday best friend in the whole fucking world

from: hunter
>> happy birthday sky, finally sixteen make it a good one. oh wait, im gonna be at the party of course it's gonna be a good one

from: brianna
>> hey hickey girl. happy bday

from: hannah
>> I MISS U! happy birthday, make sure to get chocolate cake because I hate vanilla

"Right because you're gonna be here." I mutter and laugh.

from: jacob
>> happy birthday!

from: jacob
>> could you also hurry downstairs, I'm hungry and your mom won't let us eat without you ):


I put on my pair of slippers and make my way downstairs. Jacob hears me coming down the stairs and looks back at me from the couch.

"Finally." He says dramatically, standing up from the couch and walking over to the table.

"Don't mind him, kiddo." Austin says to me, bringing me in for a side hug. I smile up at him and walk over to the table, sitting by Jacob.

My mom sets down plates of pancakes with bacon, eggs, and hash-browns. I practically drool due to the food in front of me.

I begin to take a bite of my pancake when I hear a sniffling sound. I look up and see my mom.. crying?

"Mom what's wrong?" I ask her. Austin puts his arm over her shoulder as she wipes her tears with the sleeve of her shirt

"I just can't believe my little girl is sixteen." She says, crying more. I look over at Jacob and he's laughing, trying to hide it by eating more food.

brother to be ❥ jacob sartorius [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now