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| chapter twenty-five

My eyes slowly flutter open, due to loud music booming from across the hall. I let out a deep sigh, and curl up under my blankets. The music gets louder and I grab a pillow, placing it over my ears, attempting to block the sound out.

"Ugh." I groan when the pillow doesn't work.

I pull the blankets off of me and slip out of bed. I make my way into the hallway and rub my eyes.

Jacob's door is partly opened and I sigh. So that's where the music is coming from.

"Jacob?" I say over the music, poking my head in just a little bit. He lowers the volume and sets his phone down.

"Come in."

"You woke me up." I pout and walk over to his bed. He was laying down with his hands behind his head, and I sit on the foot of his bed.

"I'm sorry." He apologizes. I smile and lay back.

"It's okay."

Jacob extends his arm out and looks over. "Come cuddle with me."

A small smile appears on my lips as Jacob pulls me closer to him. I rest my head on his chest as it slowly moves up and down.

"Skylar?" He says softly.


"I really do like you." When these words leave his mouth I can't help but grin.

"Do you like me?" He adds on. I lift my head so I'm looking into his eyes. His hair was sprawled over his forehead and his eyebrows furrowed. He looks worried.

"I do." I reply. "I like you just as much as you like me." I leave a small kiss on his jawline.

His face lights up almost immediately. Jacob pulls my onto his lap and I put both my hands on his shoulders.

He begins to kiss along my neck when I pull away. He looks confused at first.

"What's wrong?" He asks me moving his hands to my waist. I take a deep breath and look down.

"I just don't feel right doing this when," I nervously play with the ends of my hair. "Hunter."

He looks at me, with a blank expression. "What about Hunter?" I bite my bottom lip, not making eye contact with the brunette boy in front of me.

"We made out." I say truthfully. He looks puzzled and clears his throat.

"You what?" He scans my face, making this harder for me.

"You heard me, Jacob." I run my hands through my hair.

"Get off." He says bluntly.


"Get off." He raises his voice, causing me to flinch. I remove myself from his lap and sit next to him. Jacob gets off of the bed and tugs on his hair, pacing back and forth.

"Jacob." I say sympathetically. He clenches his jaw and looks at me. His eyes were very dark and his face traced with anger.

"Get out, now." He says not breaking eye contact. I blink rapidly and gulp.

"Jacob, please." I beg.

"Get the fuck out, Skylar!" He yells, punching the bedroom wall. I slowly nod my head and get off of the bed. I walk towards the door and look over my shoulder back at Jacob. He was sitting on his bed with his hands covering his face.

I turn the cold doorknob and walk back into the hall. I hear a thud against the wall again, followed by more yelling from Jacob.


dramaaaaaa 🕶
- B

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