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^ when a Jacob lookalike goes to your school and you're just like... how you doiiiiiin?

anyways, here we go

"You did what?" Jade shouts, causing a few heads to turn in our direction.

"Would you be quiet?" I huff and continue to eat my lunch. She shrugs her shoulders.

"My bad."

I look at her from across the lunch table and she shakes her head. I tilt my head a little from confusion.

"What?" I ask.

"You shouldn't have let him do that." She rolls her eyes and takes a drink from her water bottle.

"Excuse me?" I raise an eyebrow and cross my arms.

"You heard me," She chuckles and looks down at her phone.

"He's my boyfriend." I defend myself.

"He's your brother." She fights back. I suck in a sharp breath and get up from the table.

"I'm gonna go," Before she gets the chance to respond I quickly exit the cafeteria, deciding to walk around until my next class started.

He's not your brother, Skylar.

I repeatedly tell myself this sentence while walking around the hallways.

"Who's not your brother?" A deep voice laughs, startling me. I turn around and see a tall boy with dirty blonde hair.

"Nothing- I mean-" I groan, putting my hands in my hoodie pocket. "Just forget about it." I finally manage to get out.

The boy smiles, showing off his blue braces. I've always been a sucker for braces, maybe it's just how they look, I have no idea.

"What's your name?" He asks and takes a few steps. I follow so we're now walking side by side around the hallways.

"Skylar," I smile and look up at him.

"Caleb," He smiles back. I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear, keeping my eyes ahead of us. We approach a door that leads to junior hall.

Caleb quickly walks ahead of me and opens the door. I  feel myself blush as I walk through.

"So, Skylar, how come I haven't seen you around?" He asks while putting his hands in the front pockets of his khaki jeans.

"Well, what grade are you in?" I ask, assuming this could be the reasoning.

"I'm a junior, so 11th." He smiles and stops by his locker.

"Well, I'm a sophomore." I smile. He nods his head, putting in the combination to the grey locker. His hand opens the locker door, making a screech and I watch as he grabs a few books.

"Which makes you," He pauses and closes the door, facing me. "Sixteen?"

"Yup, recently turned sixteen." I shyly look down at the floor, not making eye contact.

"I'm seventeen, almost eighteen." He smiles, holding his books at his side.  We both start to walk again until the bell rings.

I begin to walk away from Caleb, until he gently pulls on my arm preventing me to do so.

"I really want to get to know you, Skylar." He looks directly into my eyes. I feel my heart speed up as I stare into his bright blue eyes.

"I-I" I stutter, not being able to speak.

He chuckles. "You don't have a boyfriend, do you?"

Immediately Jacob comes to my mind. Only close friends knew that we were dating. I couldn't identify him as my boyfriend as of now because of the wedding coming up soon. Word gets around fast, and I was not going to let that happen.

"No," I reply. His face lights up and he reaches for his phone from his back pocket.

"You put in your number, and maybe we'll hang out for lunch again tomorrow?" He asks, handing me his black phone. I type in my number, saving it to his contacts.

"Okay," I softly smile and nod my head. Caleb takes his phone back and grins.

"I'll text you later," He waves and walks to his class. I walk the opposite direction, heading to my last class of the day.

The hallways are crowded as always, along with that signature hallway smell. I swear, some teenagers have never heard of deodorant before.

"Good afternoon," My teacher smiles as I walk into the classroom.

"Hi," I walk to my desk, setting my backpack besides me.

Students start to pile into the classroom.

I slouch down in my seat, keeping my eyes strictly on my phone in front of me.


"Hey, baby." Jacob smiles as I get into the car. I lean over the middle console kissing his cheek and sit back in my seat.

"How was your day?" He asks, starting up the car. I buckle my seatbelt and look over at him.

"Good," He smiles and nods his head, pulling away from the school.

"How was your day?" I ask him the same question, grabbing his hand and intertwining our fingers.

"It was okay," He speeds up the car, keeping his eyes on the road.

It stays silent for a moment before Jacob speaks up again.

"I love you." He brings the back of my hand to his lips and kisses my knuckles.

"I love you too, Jacob." I watch as he smiles and turns on the blinker.

My phone buzzes from my lap. I pull my hand away my Jacob's and grab it from my pocket.

from: unknown
>> hey its caleb

I smile and stare at the message. I look up from the screen, looking between Jacob and the new conversation with Caleb.

to: unknown
>> hey :)


        - B

brother to be ❥ jacob sartorius [COMPLETED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora