Buried In My Flesh

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"Ria would you stop crying!" I groaned as I arched my back towards my knees my hands pulling my hair back from my sweaty face.

"What am I supposed to do? He is going to kill us!" She snapped at me, causing me to groan again slightly.

"Not unless they get to Tom first" I said, almost whispered.

"They will, he will come here in an attempt to save you like the big hero he is and die in the process! This is your entire fault!" She turned to me, her head lifting to look in my direction "If you didn't let Tom fall in love with you, he never would be bothering with coming to save us. If you acted like the rest of us, played along with there sick fantasies and just behaved we never would be in this mess!" She was yelling at me now, the whole time she was giving her intake on the situation my eyes stung, her hurtful words causing my chest to heave. The only thing that could come out of me now was a scream.

"My fault!" I bellowed at her "How was I supposed to know that we would fall in love with each other? How was I supposed to know that we were going to start caring for each other! And you!" I chocked on a tear as I stood up from my seated position to stare down at her, my hair dangling in front of my face "You are the one who got involved with them in the first place! You are the one who ended my life! You dragged me along with you to there stupid races, you introduced me to them! You did nothing, absolutely nothing when he practically dragged me to his house, when he kidnapped me. Did you seriously think I want to be there with him? Do you seriously think I want to live with a man who killed people with no remorse right in front of me?" I was screaming at her now, she was cowering in a corner, terrified to see me talk to her in such a way.

"You have no idea...how my life has been such a living hell since you took me to Tom!" I was crying now, to worn out to continue screaming at her.

She continued to stare at me, her hair all messy as well. She stared at me from behind her meshed together hair, her eyes terrified of who I had become at that moment. I couldn't say anything else, I couldn't move; neither could she. I heard the click of the door and sighed once I heard the door creak open "What's all the racket going on in here? Are you girls playing nicely?" Frank chuckled as he spoke, closing and locking the door behind him.
"You girls are breaking and it's only been a day and a half" Frank rested his hand on my shoulder; I was too worn out and hungry to shrug him off.

"You okay Taylor?" I could hear the smirk in his voice, he was behind me, his face not in view but I could hear it.

He lowered his hand, wrapping it around my waist and resting his head on my shoulder.

He twirled a piece of my hair between his fingers "I wonder what it is that Tom likes about you so much?" He said, his voice drifted, like he was at ease.

"I mean your pretty average looking, and to be honest..." He leant his lips to my ears and exhaled"...you're not that great in bed...to inexperienced." He slightly chuckled "I would say that Tom, was probably your first" I yanked myself from him, angered by how personal he was getting.

"Shut up!" I yelled at him, now standing defensively in front of Ria.

"Oh so I was right" He said, standing his ground. "Why so touchy? Are you ashamed?" His eyebrow rose and he smirked "Are you ashamed that you slept with Tom? The man that abused you" Frank suddenly gasped "Wait...he didn't...rape you did he?"

That was it!

"Shut the fuck up!" I screamed; my body was to worn to fight with him, so I resorted to my voice and stayed in place.

"Ah, poor innocent Taylor, Tom stole your virginity from you...doesn't that make you mad?" He asked, rocking a little back and fourth on the balls of his feet.

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