Staring Straight Into The Eyes Of A Murderer

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"Leave me alone" I whined as I felt Ria tug on my blanket.

A sudden cold burst hit my legs and I curled into a ball "Get up lazy bum, it's four in the afternoon"

My hand roamed the mattress for the blanket "Well maybe if you didn't keep me up all night with your thrills and man candy I wouldn't be sleeping in all day, now give me the blanket"

"No Taylor you have to get up, I called Bill and he wants us to meet him again tonight"

"You, he wants you to go meet him again tonight"

"Well yes but he did ask for both of us"

"Why me, I was a complete spoil sport" I said now sitting up slightly and giving my eyes a rub, I focused on Ria who was also in her pyjamas, I laughed "You slept in too"

"But not as long as you, I got up half an hour ago"

"...and the first thing you did was call Bill" I said with a cheesy girly smile which turned into a disgusted face causing her to laugh.

"So are you coming?"

"" I lied back down and pulled the blanket over me.

"Aw come on, are you seriously going to let me go out there alone"

She scratched at my weak spot, she knew I would worry if she went but I was really good at being stubborn sometimes "Yes I am, because last time I tried to look out for you, you blew it all back in my face so you can go on over there by yourself, if you get murdered or raped by one of the loser's don't come crying to me because all I would say is told you so"

She was silent and I peaked at her to see her pouting at me "The sad face won't work" I said closing my eyes and snuggling back up to my pillow.

"Fine" She said defeated, kicking my door on her way out.

"That was closed" I called.

It was now 9:03pm and I was sitting on the couch watching the T.V with my cup of coffee. By now I would usually be feeling quite tired but I had way to much sleep today and was too worried to be tired. Ria actually left, I had a feeling she may not go because she was too frightened to go alone but nope, she went alright, was out that door real fast. I took another sip of my coffee, why did she have to piss me off so much. There is no way I'm getting any sleep at all tonight now because I'll be worrying about her all night.
I glanced at the time and sighed, aggravated by how slow time was going. I know she won't be home till early in the morning, so there is no way I can keep myself occupied by the television all that time if I wait up for her, and I can't sleep so I'll definitely be awake, which will just make me bored "Stupid Ria!" I groaned as I pulled myself from the couch placing the cup of coffee on the table beside me. I ran to my room and got dressed before grabbing my keys and walking out the door.
I was making my way down the street, almost at the spot where everyone had been huddled last night, almost at that underground car park. I made my way down and came across another crowd, some people I recognized from the other night as other's I didn't. I got closer to the crowd and kept my distance with my arms crossed over my chest looking without moving for Ria "You alright?" Said a female approaching me from the crowd, her long light brown hair lay past her shoulders and her lips were a glossy light pink.

"Yes I'm fine" I said glancing at the knee high boots she was wearing, they were nice but definitely hooker boots and the tiny skirt she was wearing just gave the word hooker more of an impression.

"You look worried" She said, a sweet smile plastered on her face.

"I'm just...looking for a friend" I replied glancing at the entrance to see if any speeding cars were on their way down.

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