I Want To Play With You Firsy

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You know that sick feeling in the gut you get when someone you love, someone you trust is spitting on that trust right in front of you, well for some reason that is exactly what I felt when I opened my eyes and saw the stranger from last night lying beside me, his lean back tattooed in ink facing my direction. I slowly leant up from the bed, sliding to the floor to quickly dress myself. I made my way to the door of his apartment, not even glancing back as I opened and closed the door behind me.

"Oh my god Taylor, did you have sex last night with a stranger?" Ria said as she drove the car back to our house, my hell.

I brushed my hair back and shrugged slightly "No"

Ria burst out laughing "Oh yeah because I'm totally going to buy that"

"You, Morgan and uh Lauren all had sex with guys they don't know last night, why is it such a big deal if I did? Which I didn't" I said, crossing my arms.

"Well, Lauren, Morgan and I have been fucking strangers all are lives, but you, the only person you have ever had sex with is Tom" Ria said, watching the road ahead of her.

I sighed "Ok we had sex, end of story"

Ria gasped and a huge sleazy smile spread across her face "I knew it!" She bellowed.

"Yeah your such a genius"

"I know" Ria giggled as she stopped the car and we hoped out.

"So what was the guys name?" Ria asked as she fumbled with the key to the front door.

"I never asked"

"You slut" Ria said with a proud smile.

"Ugh, like you can talk" We made are way into the house and towards the kitchen.

"So how was he anyway?"

"Yeah Taylor, how was I?" A lump formed in my throat and I stared up at the man that I was very intimate with last night. Beside him stood Kristina, a gun pointed straight at me, and to my surprise Lauren was standing tall with them.

"Oh my god; Morgan!" Ria called as her eyes lay upon Morgan sprawled out on the floor, blood seeping from a cut on her forehead "What the fuck Lauren"

We both stared at her as she also pointed a gun at us "What? She never shuts up" An evil smirk played on her lips and I couldn't help but to glare at her.

"What are you doing?" I said, not showing the little fear within me, one good thing about Tom is there is nothing scarier than him so I'm pretty tough after everything.

"Well, Lauren has been working for Frank and I for a very long time" Kristina began, slowly walking across the room "We have been trying to find a way to take down Tom for a very very long time, and now we know exactly how to...you" She smiled at me but I kept eye contact.
"Me? Like hell I am going to help you" I snapped at her.

"Oh you don't have to help, you see, Tom has fallen in love with you" I scoffed at her words.

"Are you serious?" I began to laugh loudly "You seriously think he loves me? He doesn't love me, he loves no one! He treats me like shit, you've seen it, everyone has seen it!"

"I've also seen the way he looks at you, the way he puts himself between you and a bullet.

He loves you Taylor, and were going to use that to kill him."

"You can try" I mumbled "He wont care if I go missing, or if you kill me, he'll do exactly what he always does, find a new girl to fuck up, to call his pet!"

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