Running With Death

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I was crying now, in a dark room. I felt really woozy too, like I had been knocked around badly "You're awake!" A familiar voice came from the darkness.

I looked up into the blackness, a light suddenly flickered to life and my eyes shut at the sudden sting from the light. I fluttered my eyes open and came across a fuzzy figure. Once my eyes adjusted I looked up and there stood Kale "What now" I mumbled.

Kale got down to my level "What do you mean?" he asked as he gently touched my shoulder.

"Are you going to rape me to?" I said weakly.

"Taylor, snap out of it, your speaking nonsense" I stared up at him and felt my throat go dry once I realized he was Kale, he was the nice Kale.

I through my arms upwards and wrapped them around his neck "Kale!" I cried.

I put my fingers to my lips and ran them over a scar, the scar that was once split open and dripping blood onto the broken windshield, tap...tap...tap. I had suddenly remember all my dreaming while I was in a coma, it was all flooding back to me, for this was the first time I had time to think about things. I turned over my wrist, to study the scar again "You were in a car accident; Tom must have looked away form the road"

"Taylor" Tom said "Taylor!" He snapped "Open your eyes"

"He didn't see the car ahead of him and smacked right into the back of it, the car flipped"
Every word coming from his mouth made my throat dry, like I couldn't swallow and my head pounded silently with my heart "Taylor, are you alright?" Kale said, leaning down to me again.

"I was never told about an accident" I said quietly.

The dreams made sense now, the one were I saw the car all smashed up, I witnessed the crash in my subconscious; I actually saw the real crash.

"I took you from the house" Kale said with a chuckle "I know, so un-polite of me, Tom made it so hard to get to you though; he was always around you"

"Eh? You took me form the house, but how?" I said, confused at how forward Kale seemed to be.

Kale chuckled a little " I have my ways, but I think you should know that Tom is hunting us down as we speak" Kale smiled.

I gasped "Hunting us down?" I said, not entirely believing him "Why would he?"

"Because I rescued you, so now he's coming to kill us both"

My throat went dry, my heart seemed to pound really hard against my chest once and then everything went dead, Tom had finally snapped, he was finally going to kill me, he finally wanted to bring an end to me "What about the others? Bill and George, are they all against us?" I asked confusing myself.

I should be happy to be away from Tom, to be away from all of it but all I felt was sorrow, sorrow at the thought that Tom wanted to kill me, that he no longer wanted me. I scolded myself, terrified at what had just come to mind "Yes Taylor, when I say all of them I mean all of them" He said before standing out and reaching his hand out to me.

I took it gracefully and patted my jeans to remove some dust "So what now?" I asked "What do we do? I can't stay here for the rest of my life"

Kale started walking off to some stairs and a door, he twisted the knob "We run" He said, standing back to let me walk through the door first; such a gentleman.

He closed the door behind himself "Now I have a few of my men watching Tom and the last report said he was at the hospital so he's pretty clueless for now, but" Kale was cut off by his phone "Excuse me" He said as he took his cell phone out of his pocket.

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