Shoot Her And I Shoot You

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"No one talks back to me" He growled, I was frozen as he raised his fist.

I couldn't move, I was backed against the car with his hand on my chest, holding me down, though he didn't have to, I was too frozen in fear to move, he was wasting his strength, crushing me against the car. I couldn't hear the scared cries of Ria as she huddled on the ground, watching a man going to hit her best friend, I couldn't see Bill standing behind Tom, fear and pain in his eyes as Tom hit an innocent girl, I could just see the anger in Tom's eyes, I could only here my heart beating as well as his heavy pants, I could only feel his hand roughly pressed against my chest.

Tom suddenly growled and turned from me, frustrated by the delay "What!" He snapped.

The girl named Lauren came jogging towards me, obviously frightened by the position Tom was in, ready to kill "It's Gustav, he's been drinking again and he's gone off to find the 'Budo' gang"

Tom groaned in annoyance "Bill get in my car, I'll be there in a minute" He turned to me and pressed his lips against my ear "I'll deal with you later, for now you're coming with me" He removed his hand and grabbed me around the wrists.

Now the fear had passed a little, I was still terrified but now I was able to fight "Let go of me" I snarled at him as he dragged me along behind him.

"Not going to happen" He said, still dragging me along.

I was pulling against him but he simply turned to face me causing me to freeze in fear and he wrapped his arms around me to throw me over his shoulder "Put me down!" I yelled at him, slapping and scratching at his back, as well as kicking my legs hoping to hit his groin.

"Stop struggling babe or I'm going kill you" He said simply.

I ignored his words "I'm not getting in that car!" I yelled still throwing myself around.

"Yes you are"

I was utterly surprised, no one could ever pick me up, and now he simply threw me over his shoulder like I was nothing, even with me throwing myself around he still managed to keep a tight hold on me. I grabbed a hold of his shirt and pulled on it, I remember him hitting that other girl for pulling on his clothes, maybe this would make him drop me "Trying to get me undressed huh?" He chuckled and I groaned before hitting him some more.

I clasped onto his shirt and looked up to where he had me pinned against the car "Ria!" I called, her long body was now standing "Ria, help me!" I called, trying to swing my body.

"That bitch won't mess with me" Tom said before opening the car door and throwing me into the backseat.

Once he threw me down I dived for the door but he had already closed it, I tried to open it but it was locked "Bill!" I whined "Get me out of here"

He turned back to me "Sorry Taylor, he's the boss" He said, sadness in his eyes.

I was almost at the point of crying "Why have you got child lock on!" I yelled at Tom as he climbed in.

"Had a hunch I should just in case you wanted to come for a drive" He said not even turning back.

I groaned in aggravation "What about Ria!" I yelled.

"She can hitch a lift by someone else" He said as he put the keys in the ignition and sped out of the car park.

The ride was quick, I gave up trying to get out once we were moving because I wouldn't put it past Tom to release the child lock and let me go flying out the door at the speed he was going. We reached are destination at a screeching stop, Tom did a major turn and stopped instantly in front of a few Japanese men and a Gustav crouched on the floor. Tom and Bill got out and I watched on from inside the car. I was startled by George's car that came flying around the corner with Lauren and Ria in the backseat and Morgan in the front. George jumped out and came running out so he could stand beside Tom who stood tall in the middle, between George and Bill. I climbed into the front seat so I could get a better look and to hear what they were saying "Don't make me shoot you in the head Hiroshi" Tom said, not showing any fear at all.

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