There's No Fun In Playing It Safe

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I was still in place; Bill looked back at me a few times but mainly kept his eyes forward. Tom had his techno blaring and his windows down with his arm closest to his window lying on the sill, his head banging to the beat. I had dressed, as much as I hated doing something he asked me to I did because there was no way I wanted to be in my knickers when he has to pull me out of the car. I just chucked on some jeans and some black heels, I didn't bother changing my top, and I left on my blue pajama shirt. Tom turned a corner and came to a screeching stop, it looked like an abandoned warehouse and I began to fear for my life. Tom and Bill got out of the car and Tom began to walk towards the house, not up for bothering with me I'd guess.

Bill stuck his head in the back window and I stared at him angrily "Look, I know this isn't fair but that's life, now you'd want to come with us, it's not safe out here by yourself"

Apart of me thought he was playing a joke "Right because I'd be safer in that abandoned warehouse with the two men that kidnapped me then out here in a car yard"

He shrugged "Fine"

He began to walk off and I got out of the car "Oh and I wouldn't bother running either, they have dogs"

I sighed at the man that destroyed my escape plan and walked willingly behind him, my heels crunching the sand and rocks. We went inside and I looked around, the place was dark, there was no light at all. I began to walk forward because I'd gathered that the boys had when I felt someone grab my shoulder and pull me back, I screamed and flung myself free from the arms. It was Tom, and he was now laughing like mad. I pushed him and held in the frightened giggle that wanted to come out "Lights!" Tom yelled.

"Working on it" Bill replied from the darkness, I turned my head in the direction of his voice, Tom still behind me. I could feel his eyes burning a hole in the back of my head and I felt how I had once before when he was standing behind me, like he was a dangerous predator, and I had to stay still otherwise he would pounce.

The lights suddenly flashed on two by two, starting from the other end of the warehouse to the front door where I was standing. The sound of three more cars pulled up outside and I turned a little frightened. Tom chuckled and stroked my chin quickly before walking towards the door. I stared on as Gustav and George walked in, and then in came Lauren, Ria and Morgan. I sighed happily at seeing a familiar face and that familiar face smiled back. Ria ran to me and hugged me "I'm so glad you came, Tom was planning on kidnapping you if you hadn't come willingly"

I sighed at her stupidity, she should know me well enough to know that there was no way I was here willingly "Yeah, lucky I did" I said with a fake chuckle.

"Worst night for you to get involved though" She said, before glancing at the four men forming a circle almost "There fighting the Budo gang tonight, it's going to be hell in here"

"Wait the Hiroshi guy, the man's women that Tom killed?"

She nodded and I was suddenly in a rage "What!" I stomped my foot "He brought me here tonight! That Hiroshi man wanted to kill me last time and now there's no reason for him to hesitate to shoot me!" I yelled causing Ria to flinch back a little.

Suddenly a large hand was clasping my arm and I was being pulled form Ria, I struggled with the arm and heard Ria mumble "She mustn't of come willingly"

I looked up to stare into the dark piercing eyes of Tom Kaulitz "Quit you're yelling!" He spat at me.

"Or what" I dared.

Tom let go of my arm and hit me across the face, I fell to the sandy floor and winced "Or I'll beat you around"

I looked up to his tall figure "Fuck you!" I mumbled as I lay on the dirty floor, my hand touching my cheek that stung.

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