I Think It's About Time I Punished You

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I wonder if he knows I'm gone yet. I wonder if he's getting in his car right now, ready to run me down. I have no idea where I am, it's crowded but I don't know what to do, should I ask a stranger for directions to the nearest police station? Should I go into a shop? Or should I just keep walking? Whenever I do seem to talk to strangers they end up getting killed, so just walking sounds good to me for now. I put on my jacket and crossed my arms in an attempt to keep myself warm as the cool breeze blew past my face. Every time I would hear the sound of screeching wheels or a speeding car coming my way I would freak, thinking it was Tom, ready to kill me for good this time, this will be the last straw, but I don't care. I'd rather die than let him toy with me the way he does, why he hasn't raped me yet I don't know, but I'm sure as hell not staying around to find out. A loud sound of screeching wheels came from up ahead and I froze in place, terrified as the sleek looking black car made its way down the road. I stopped breathing as I waited to see Tom in the car, looking pissed. The car got closer and some young boys hung out the windows screaming and making suggestions at us people walking and I took in a huge breath of relief before continuing to walk. It wasn't long till I came across a police station and I began to run towards it, hope shining in my eyes. My eyes were shining as my tears caused the street lights to react off of them. I burst through the door and inside of the hectic police station. I took in a loud sigh of relief and let my tears flow. I collapsed to the ground and it wasn't long till some police men came to my side and lifted me to my feet, carrying me over to a chair. I couldn't stop crying, I was so happy to be free, to finally be away from Tom, to be safe. The police men spoke to me, asking me what my name was, what had happened, who had hit me, but I couldn't reply, I was to overwhelmed with relief that I just couldn't speak.

2 hours had passed and I had finally calmed down, now sitting in my chair, sipping at a hot cup of coffee. The police man that picked me up and carried me to the chair I was huddled in was by my side, holding onto the note pad in his hand patiently waiting for me to be ready to talk "Now please ma'am, all I need is your name"

I hesitated for a bit "Taylor, Taylor" I couldn't finish what I was going to say, as much as I wanted to I just couldn't.

The man sighed and flipped shut his notepad again, a sign on his failure "It's alright, who ever did this to you, we will put behind bars" He said with a warm smile before getting up form his seat and walking towards a desk while shoving his notepad in his back pocket.

I sighed, god I hope so. I sat quietly in my chair, sipping at my cup of coffee that was now warm, watching as people came in and out. I was tired, but too tired to sleep. The later it got the busier the place got and the more I became forgotten, but I didn't mind, I preferred not being annoyed by all the questions the police had. I rested my head against the back of the chair and watched as a woman started a fight causing three police men to drag her down and take her out back to chuck her in a cell. I was staring at the floor, trying not to provoke anyone in the place that I was shocked by the voice that echoed through my head "Hey baby" My face went white, just his voice made my blood run cold.

I hesitantly raised my head, afraid if I wasn't imagining him. Once my eyes laid among his tall broad body, and then into his dark endless eyes I jumped to my feet beginning to shake my head "Oh yes" Tom said as he began to walk towards me slowly "Did you really think you could get away from me" Tom said, his evil, husky voice taunting me.

"You can't be here!" I whispered "You can't take me from here"

Tom was now close enough to hear my whispers "You want to bet?" Tom whispered into my ear, his head lowered into the curve of my neck.

His hand rested on my back as if he thought that one hand would be able to stop me from doing what I was about to do "No!" I screamed at him before pushing him away form me.
"Ah, there's my girl, what took you so long to come out and play?" Tom said his head tilted to the side in an evil twisted way.

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