Do You Really Want To Make This Harder?

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"Can you believe it, he murdered 4 women last night" I said, staring at the screen were the news lady had once sat.

Ria sat down beside me, cereal bowl in hand "Yeah I can believe it" She said before taking a spoonful of cereal.

"Why, why did he do that?" I said, still gawping at the screen, shaking my head.

Ria swallowed her spoonful of cereal "Because of you" I faced her immediately and she swallowed imaginary cereal "I-I mean, it came out wrong" She stuttered.

"Dam right it did!" I shook my head "Who were those women, and why would he kill them because of me?" I said, angered by her words.

She sunk back against the couch "Well those women were the 'Budo' gangs women, he killed them to show he was still the most powerful man in Tokyo"

"Why would he have to do that" I whined.

"Because of that humiliated him in front of Hiroshi and his gang so he made a comeback" She was sinking further into the couch.

"How do you know so much?" I asked; my eyebrow rose.

"Well I kind of eavesdropped on them talking, and Tom was mad because you humiliated him"

I groaned in annoyance "Why doesn't he just come kill me already then make you nag me to go see him constantly" I was out of my seat and threw the newspaper on the coffee table.

"He just wants to see you; that is all" Ria said finishing off her cereal and getting up to throw the bowl in the sink.


"I don't know" She replied with a shrug, that's when I noticed her outfit.

"You're going out again" I complained.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I?" She said with another shrug, now leaning against the counter.

"You go out every singly night, leaving me here alone, someone could come in here and kidnap me, and you'll feel so bad and responsible; which you should, for not spending enough time with me" I was slumped back onto the couch again.

"You're so overdramatic" She said with a flip of her hair.

Her heels tapped as she made her way across the floor and to the front door "You're still going, after my speech!" I yelled after her, she answered by slamming the door.

*Bill's P.O.V*

"Hey princess" I said as Ria made her way over to me.

She wrapped her arms around my neck to embrace me in a kiss but I pulled her away "Where is she" I snapped at her.

Her arms were still up around my neck, but I was holding them so she wasn't touching me "She isn't coming" She said quietly, her eyes down.

I pushed her from me "Whatever happens is your own fault" I turned from her and began to make my way back to Tom who was waiting by his car having a smoke.

"Good news bro, Hiroshi is furious, just got a call from him" Tom smiled "Were having fun tonight..." He looked off into the distance and then brought his eyes back to me "...where is she?" His eyebrows were raised.

I sighed "She didn't come; Ria is no help at all"

Tom smirked "Don't worry about it, she'll come, she won't want to miss out on this fight"
I was taken aback by his attitude, he was surprisingly calm about it, every other night when I told him the news he would be enraged, he would be yelling and throwing things around, she made him so angry, I'm surprised it's taken him this long to go take a hold of her and kill her.

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