Why Does This Hurt So Much?

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Am I alive? Or am I dreaming again? Its dark, that's a good sign right? I mean usually when you wake up its dark, because your eyes are closed, maybe I should try opening my eyes?

Light was beginning to flutter through my eyelids; it was a stale light; a yellowy light that made me feel a little sick as well as homey. I opened my eyes and stared at the roof before looking to my right. I'm in Tom's room, alone in Tom's room. I sat myself up and stretched, god do I feel good. I grabbed the blanket that lay over me and threw it away before getting up onto my feet. I slightly stumbled before getting straight back on my feet. I made my way to the door, realizing that I must have survived, the antidote must've worked. I was so happy; the joy bursting inside of me was overwhelming that I felt I had to scream to let it all out. I hope everyone isn't too upset, okay well I hope they are at least a little so I can feel a little loved. I made my way down the stairs and through the hallway to stand between the kitchen and living room.

"So what's for breakfast?" I said whilst stretching my arms up in the air, waiting for everyone's reaction.

Everyone's heads immediately shot up, eyes wide and jaws to the floor "Oh my god!" Ria said as she ran towards me, throwing herself in my arms.

"Hi" I said with a smile before all the other girls piled on for the group hug.

"You were dead!" George said as he came towards me, giving me a poke.

"Hey! I'm not dead!" I said whilst rubbing the skin that George had poked at by my shoulder.

"No Taylor, you died at 2:35am exactly, I checked your pulse and everything; you were definitely dead" Bill said as he walked towards me.

"It must have been the poison, it must be how it works" I said with a shrug "I can't be a ghost" I said "George just pinched me"

Bill had shock slapped on his face but he still gave me a tight hug "Thank god you're okay" He said, pain seeping through his voice.

The way Bill spoke those words caused my stomach to churn and I stood still in his arms "Where's Tom?" The words came out of my mouth automatically.

Bill let go of me and stepped back so he could speak, his eyes were down and his face was sad and traumatized "Tom, Tom left" Bill said, struggling with his speaking "He grabbed his car keys, and his gun, and left" Bill said, still staring at the ground.
"He thought you were dead, he just snapped, it wasn't Tom that left this house, it was high Tom, your death changed him, I've never seen him like this before, he threatened to kill all of us, even me, when we tried to stop him from leaving, he pointed that gun at my head and pulled the trigger, he would have killed me, but his gun was empty, I was lucky"

"Oh my god" My voice caught in my throat.

"He's gone mad!" Lauren said from beside George.

"Fuck up!" Bill spat at her "Don't talk about him like that or I'll fucking kill you!" Bill yelled at her.

"Bill, please, where did he go?"

"I don't know, he was going on about it not being fair and that if you have to die than so does everyone else. He's lost it, he could be anywhere"

I groaned "There must be somewhere he would go"

Everyone was silent, not having any idea as to where he may have gone.

"Bill, give me your keys"

"Why?" He said confused.

"I have to go after him" I said, annoyed at having to answer questions, I had to go find him.

My Living Nightmare - Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now