Just Another One Of My Pets

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Too my amazement Ria came back in one piece and I rushed to her to check for any scratches "Are you alright" I asked searching her body.

"That was the most amazing thing I have ever experienced" She said as she was breathing slowly as if trying to let her breathing catch up.

"Told you princess" Bill said as he walked around the car and put his arm around her waist.

"You went so fast, I was so worried"

"You should have worried, I mean Bill's driving, he always comes second" I was alarmed by the stranger's voice coming from behind me, he had a German accent as well and I slightly stiffened as the others chuckled.

I turned around to come across the tall man with cornrows, I wondered where his whore was "Whatever bro, I will overtake you one day" Bill said.

I turned back to Bill, I felt as if the man I didn't even know behind me was a shark, or some kind of dangerous thing that could kill me if I just moved the slightest "So are you going to introduce me to your new girls?" The stranger's words annoyed me.

"Were not his girls" I said back now turning around and stepping away from him.

"Well she isn't but Ria sure is" Bill smiled down at her and she blushed at his words that must've sounded sweet to her.

"Ok then, who's the fiery one?" He looked at me and smirked.

"None of your"

I was cut off by Ria "Taylor"

I sighed, this is the second time today she's blurted out my name to complete strangers, she might as well tell them where I live.

"Nice to meet you both" He said staring at me and I stared back, at first with anger but then my eyes calmed and I was just staring "I'm Tom"

I looked away from him and to the Japanese girl sitting on the hood of Tom's car. Tom followed my gaze "You a lesbian or something?" He asked with his eyebrows raised.

"No" I snorted "But that would be none of your business"

"Everything is my business baby"

"Pfft" I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see Bill's hand, he stared at me in a warning way and shook his head as if saying not to piss Tom off "These two are new here" Bill said to shut me up almost as if he knew I was going to snap which I was "Just got here today Ria tells me"

"Oh really, liking it so far?" Tom asked, still staring at me, I was really starting to get annoyed.
"Oh yes, you guys are amazing drivers, I could only dream of this kind of stuff, I mean I found out about you guys from a friend and knew I had to meet you all" Tom's eyes left me when Ria started talking and I took in a needed breath of air.

"Well you can drive with me whenever you want princess" Bill said with a smile and it was then that I caught notice of his hand slowly rubbing the skin exposed by her hip, just what exactly did they do in that fast car?

"What about you, feel the need for speed?" Tom asked clapping his hands together and rubbing them.

"Never have, never will" I said, which was kind of a lie, I wasn't fussed on cars but I have always wanted to speed, to cut corners and skid and just let go, it was like a form of escape in a way.

"That's a shame; I would have loved to have you as a passenger"

"Yep, a real shame" I said back, I was really losing it with these guys.

"Taylor isn't very...risk taking"

"Well that's no fun" Both the boys said at the same time.

"Jinx" I said with a huge smile on my face, but I quickly mentally slapped myself.

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