I Accepted My Fate

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*Ria's P.O.V*

"Ria get in the car" Bill said, I nodded and silently made my way to the passenger seat.

He started the engine and took off "Where are we going?" I asked, glancing at him wearily.

"Why isn't she coming anymore? It's been over two weeks and she hasn't showed once, Tom is getting...impatient"

I swallowed "She's not coming back Bill, after that incident...incidents, I mean, she isn't interested in coming back"

"Tom is going to need a better explanation than that" Bill laughed in a funny way; there was an edge to it, like I was an idiot for not knowing I should give the full story.

"Taylor doesn't like Tom very much...okay I try not to use this word but she hates him and after he went to hit her she just isn't interested in coming back, she's stubborn, and has made it clear how she feels about Tom. Oh and the gun incident" I tucked my hair behind my ear "Having a gun pointed at her face made her not so much of an outside kind of person anymore" My voice was weak, but I couldn't help it, he made me like this, the man that sat beside me, he made me weak, not just because I had to do everything for him, but also because I swear I was falling in love with him.

I had only known him for over a fortnight and I already felt as if I loved him. I wasn't entirely surprised, I have fallen in love many times, just after a few weeks, Taylor always scolded me, said I was like a little school girl, yet instead of crushes I actually fell in love with the men; idiots in her words. She was always so strong, always stood by me and made sure the guy I had fallen for this month was good enough for me, then pretended to like them just for me, and she always ran out and got vanilla ice-cream and caramel chocolate during the break-up's. Taylor and I are almost complete opposites, she's never fallen in love, hasn't had a boyfriend in years, she doesn't open up to anyone, never lets a guy get close to her, she hasn't experienced life's treasure's in my words, but she doesn't care, said she doesn't need a man to complete her life, she's always giving me that advice, but I never listened. People looking in would think I'm an idiot, it's clear he has no feelings for me, he treats all the girls the way he treats me, but it's just like Morgan and Lauren, we were all love struck by the man that calls us there pet, that look down on us and treat us like dogs they don't give a care in the world about us. It should anger me, I know, but it doesn't, it just...ache's.

"But Tom protected her from Hiroshi, he practically humiliated himself for her, and that's never happened before" Bill said with a slight chuckle as if remembering the whole night and his smile made me slightly laugh.

"She doesn't care about one kind act, he was going to hit her, she isn't going to stand for that"

"Ria" Bill snapped, and I stiffened in my seat "You have to get her back here, I've told you over and over and you still haven't brought her" Bill said his voice risen and his hands gripping the wheel tightly that his knuckles were white.

"I've tried Bill, I really have, but she won't give in, she does not want to see you guys again"

"I don't care" Bill yelled at me and I slightly winced.

I didn't speak, not unless he asked me to, but for now I was just silent, not wanting to anger him anger "I'm sorry princess" He said his voice softening "It's just you know how much Tom beats into me about getting her here and if she doesn't soon he'll start coming to you, and that wont be pleasant" He was right, Tom was the one I wanted to stay away from the most.

He was dangerous, much worse than the others; already I had seen him kill an innocent man. I here him sometimes, beating up Yumi, she cries and whimpers but always asks him for more, to beat her harder. It sickened me, he would come out with red sore knuckles and no emotion on his face, no regret and she would come out with bleeding cuts and red bruisers that soon turned into a mix of dark blue, yellow and purple. But she would run after him, after he beats her she would find a way to get back up and run after him, calling his name and clinging onto him. He would always do the same thing, push her off him, yell at her, spit at her, and kick her, whatever it was he had to do to release some anger. I had spoken to her once, whenever I brought up Tom she would brag about how much she loves him and he loves her and how good he is in bed, it was like she was oblivious to the beatings, to the way he really looked at her, like she was an animal. He looked down on everyone, but the three other men in his gang, he was alpha and he definitely knew that but he treated them three like brothers, to what I saw anyway. But he looked at everyone else like they were nothing, which to him they were. He treated us girls like his slaves, as the others did but he just liked to demand us to do something now and then to show he was in charge, he loved being in charge.

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