You Can Never Leave Me

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Ria's face was beginning to go pale and I was ranting now at the wheel of Gustav's car "Get out of my way!" I screamed as I sped down the road at some cars in front.

They must've recognized the car as being one of the stupid idiots that speeds around at night so they moved almost immediately, going of to the sides leaving me with a lane to myself. I continued to speed down the lane my hair whipping me in the face for the windows were rolled down; I glanced back at Ria for the hundredth time and got a lump in my throat from holding back furious tears that wanted to come out "Fuck him!" I yelled "He's such a jerk, getting us into this" I swerved "Why did we have to get involved with them Ria!" I screamed at her, but she was to unconscious to hear me.

"He doesn't care about you, he didn't even bother getting you help when he knew you had been shot, they all knew you had been shot and they just stood there, huddled in there little circle around the bloodshed" I was yelling now, real fast that only I would have been able to understand what I was saying.

Flashes came back of Tom walking back to his gang, how they all just stood there talking amongst themselves as my best friend lay on the floor, the dirty disgusting floor...dying "I hate him!" I screamed as I took a sharp turn "He thinks he can dominate me, he thinks he can treat me like that Yumi girl, like one of his pets" I spat "No way, no fucking way!" I was going real fast now, I was no longer taking notice of my surroundings, I was just focused on getting Ria to the hospital and that was all.

It wasn't until I had brought the car to a sudden halt and climbed out to grab Ria that I heard the screeching tires of cars, it was then that I realized the others were on my tail the whole time. I grabbed Ria "Come on" I groaned as I had to pull her out of the car.

My heart began pounding really fast, the thought of Tom being only seconds away was scaring the hell out of me and I had to run. I began to run as fast as I could with Ria hanging from my side and into the hospital. Just as I reached the door a doctor came running up to us "What happened?" He said signaling to some more staff further ahead.

"She was shot" I said frantically "She needs help now" A few nurses were now taking Ria from my arms and I let them take her to put her on the bed with wheels
They didn't say anything to me; they just ran off with her. I heard a loud screech and turned around, there they were, all of them had pulled up and I saw Tom climb out of his car to lay his eyes upon me right away, that's when I ran for it. I immediately began to run in the direction the doctors had taken Ria, I turned the corner and quickly jumped into the elevator, slamming into the back against the wall to get as far away from the door as possible. I watched on impatiently waiting for the door to close, it felt as if it was taking forever. Just as it was almost fully closed someone's hand stopped it from closing and I froze in place immediately terrified of which one of them it was. The figure turned the corner and my heart immediately thumped in relief as it was just a simple stranger. He gave me a smile before turning his back to me and pressing the button. I was safe...for now. The stranger looked back at me a few times but I just ignored him "Are you alright young lady?" He asked.

I looked up at him, his black hair spiky in some places and his dark eyes staring at me with worry and curiosity "I-I'm fine thanks" I said, giving him a weak smile.

He sighed a little "You look far from fine, is there anything I can do to help?"

"Kill Tom Kaulitz" I mumbled not expecting him to hear, that's why I was very surprised when he answered.

"Tom Kaulitz did you say?" He asked, with his head tilted a little.

I didn't answer.

"I know Tom Kaulitz, he's a bad guy; how do you know him?" He asked.

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