Don't Be Afraid To Scream

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I stared up at him, jolts of pain poking at me from all the throwing around he's done today. His eyes were evil, I had seen his eyes look evil before but this, this was different, like he had really snapped, he was sick of me; he was going to kill me, just as he did the other pet he once had; the one who didn't do as he said. Tom flipped the knife around in his hands, his fingers surprisingly elegant with the movement of the knife "I don't know why I've put up with you for this long" Tom said, admiring the little knife in his hand "I mean you drive me mad!" Tom yelled at me, his face staring straight at me now.

I was terrified of him, yet I wasn't. My instincts were telling me to give up and just do as he says so I can live, but me, as a person was telling myself to stand-up for myself, I would rather die than do everything he tells me to.

"You don't do what I say" Tom was pacing now, now he was a calm villain, looking forward to the pain he was going to cause "You always talk back" Tom came towards me and I shuffled back, going stiff once he placed the knife on my cheek, Tom chuckled "You still don't seem to understand who I am" Tom said, sliding the knife down my cheek softly, so all I was feeling was the cold metal.

"I know who you are" I said back, tempted to test the waters "A fucking jerk, that's who you are!" I yelled at him.

Tom groaned before smashing his fist into the wall, right beside my head, causing me to flinch and wince at the fright "Do you think this is funny!" Tom screamed at me before grabbing my hair and lifting me to my feet.

I cried out from the pain before he through me against the wall and pinned me to it "That's right, scream Taylor, I want to hear the pain I inflict" Tom said before grabbing a tight hold of my wrist, the knife pointed straight at the veins in my wrist.

"What are you doing?" I screamed at him, panic running through those veins "Let me go Tom!"

"So you're scared now" He said before stabbing the knife into my wrist causing me to cry out loud "That's right" Tom said as he dug the knife into my flesh "I want to hear you scream" He dragged the knife down my wrist, nice and slow.

I was crying now, my right hand grabbing at the shirt on his back, aching for him to release me, to remove the knife, my body ached "Uh, Tom, please" I whined squeaking on the please for the pain was overwhelming.

He removed the knife and let out a sigh of relief before turning to me to smirk at the pain on my face. He let go of my wrist and it fell beside my body, I was too scared to move incase it would increase the pain in anyway. Tom turned to face me and pushed me against the wall with his own body, his head drooped down to rest his forehead against my own. The sweat was seeping from our skin, like this turned him on, seeing me in pain "God it turns me on when you scream" He said, smirking down at me.

"Ugh" I gargled "Fuck you!"

Tom groaned in annoyance before moving away to smash me in the wall, causing me to fall to my knees "You never learn!" Tom yelled at me.

"Maybe I should cut out your tongue?" Tom said "Or I could cut off something else" He said as he ran the knife down past my breasts.

I whined in pain, my wrist was throbbing, there was so much blood and I was worried he had hit a vain. Tom knelt down to me again "I really thought you'd turn around, come to respect me Taylor" Tom ran the knife to my shirt were he pulled it aside so it exposed some more skin.

"I would never respect a fucked in the head, jerk, like you" I said back, looking up at him to stare straight into his eyes.

"Bitch" Tom yelled before hitting me across the face.

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