Open Your Eyes

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*Tom's POV*

I couldn't stop that vibrating growl erupt from my chest. She was so tight, oh so tight, I couldn't bring myself to open my eyes it was to overwhelmingly delightful. Never had I been wrapped so tightly between a girls legs before, so secure. She had this sweet scent that filled my head and made me woozy. I pulled back from her cracked body and thrust myself into her again, harder this time, trying to fully cover myself within her. She cried out, agony sliding from her lips as I stole her of her innocence. I know she's a virgin, which just makes her so much more...desirable. No other girl I fucked ever felt like this, not even tiny Japanese girls, they all were obviously not virgins. I grunted some more, moaning as I grinded myself against her. I dropped my head against her chest and took in her sweet scent. My body trembled at her touch; she finally seemed to have control over me. I moaned softly against her chest, a little squeak leaving my parted lips. I shook as I thrust into her again, slower now, softer but still rough, that's how I liked it. I was coming to an end; it didn't take me as long as it usually did, because this time it was different, much different. I groaned loudly, my muscles in my arms tensing as they lay on each side of her, keeping her put underneath me. She couldn't help herself as to letting a few moans escape her lips, a few little squeaks. She was shaking beneath me, I don't know if that's because she was scared or because she was trying to resist the pleasures as I was thrusting into her, but I liked it. Her voice made me want to cum that much more, her sweet voice swaying through my ears, I loved the noises I could make her let out. I was much slower now, thrusting into her very slowly but still rough. I was going to cum. I growled deeply before finally having to open my eyes from the overwhelming pleasure. Once my eyes shot open and I saw the fear on her face, in her eyes I cried out and died on the inside.

Taylor's P.O.V

I don't know how it came to be like this, one minute he was above me, thrusting himself into me roughly, grunting against my skin, ignoring my painful cries and the next he was out of the car screaming and kicking up dirt. I was frozen in place, I couldn't move my left arm; it was hanging off the car seat dripping blood onto the car's floor; that would piss him off. I winced at everything that had just taken place, kind of like I hadn't taken it all in yet, kind of like it was just a very realistic nightmare. I shook a little before struggling to get up, wiping at the tears still lying on my face. The cool crisp night air brushed against my skin and I shivered, wincing at the pain still throbbing at my wrist. I used my good arm to pull up my underwear and jeans, then my shirt only being able to do up the zip of my jeans for I was never one of those cool kids who could do up the button with one hand. I slid myself to the edge of the seat so my feet were on solid ground and gazed up at Tom. Dirt flew around his face as his leg kicked some more up in the air "What the fuck is wrong with me!" He screamed as he clasped his head roughly.

His voice was furious yet it trembled, as though he was crying. He got down onto his knees and stared straight into the darkness. It was so quiet; I could only hear our breaths. I wanted to kill him, I wanted to find that gun of his and shoot him right in the back of the head, but I had no idea how to use a gun and something inside of me was urging me away from that. I don't know why, but is it possible to feel sorry for your kidnapper, for the man that stole you of your innocence? To want to hold him against your chest and kiss him softly, telling him that it's all going to be okay because you will become loyal, and do as he sais for you loved him? Some may think so, but I sure as hell didn't. I got out of the car, idiotically using my injured arm to pull myself up, causing myself to fall to the dirty ground. Tom turned his attention onto me immediately, getting up to run by my side "Taylor, what's the matter?" He asked, staring at me, concerned for me.

"What do you think" I said back rudely, almost yelling at him, but I was too weak to speak so strongly.

He inhaled strongly, grasping my wrist gently. I went to pull it back but I couldn't, not because he was holding it so tightly a vein may pop but because he was holding it so softly I was shocked at how good it felt to be touched gently by him. Tom gently got up to his feet, guiding me with him, I went to take a step but fell "Taylor!" Tom said concerned, sliding to his knees with me.

I put my right hand to his shoulder "Everything's so fuzzy" I said, my head spinning.

I watched as Tom brushed his fingers along my arm, and was suddenly shocked at how I couldn't feel his fingers to my skin, my wrist had gone completely numb "You've lost so much blood" Tom said "Blood!" Tom snapped suddenly, I could see the bright light going off in his head once he realized I needed a hospital and fast.

He grabbed a hold of me and lifted me up into his arms "Ugh, Tom" I moaned, I was going to argue with him, to tell him to put me down that I'm not disabled and I can walk myself but I was too weak and unable to do anything at the moment.

"It's okay, it's going to be okay" Tom said frantically trying to open his car's door.

Once he got it open he placed me in the seat and did the most caring thing he's ever done to me before; put on my seatbelt. He slammed the door closed and I groaned at the sound, it was repeating through my head, like an echo, but instead of fading it was getting louder. Tom ran around the car and threw himself into the driving seat. He shoved his key into the ignition and brought the engine to a roar. He slammed his door close then took off along the dirt road. It was so dark, the car was covered in a blanket of dust from the dirt and I was worried Tom was going to hit into something, but I always was when ever he was driving. The dust finally cleared and Tom screamed the car onto the road. Lights suddenly started to appear as Tom sped down the busy lit streets. My wrist was killing me and Tom was getting very worried for all the noises I was making. He reached back for a split second still with his eyes on the road and grabbed his shirt that was still on the backseat form when he removed it. He passed it to me "Wrap it around your wrist" Tom said, scolding himself for not thinking of doing it earlier.

I grabbed the shirt and struggled to wrap it around my wrist, I suddenly hissed as it sent a stab at my wound, causing me to jolt forward and exhale slowly; painfully.

"Oh my god" Tom mumbled as he looked away from me and back at the road "What have I done?" He said, his voice breaking as if he was going to cry.

I turned to him, the street lights were making the sweat on his forehead glisten and I could see the tension in his neck, he was really scared. His hands were gripping the steering wheel so tightly his knuckles were white and his foot was pushed so far forward on the accelerator I thought he had busted it through the car "I'm so sorry" Tom said, not even looking at me.

I was shocked, frozen in place, Tom Kaulitz was crying.

"Please forgive me Taylor, I never wished to hurt you that way!" Tom cried, staring ahead at the road as he balled.

He slammed his fist down onto the steering wheel "I'm a fucking idiot!" He yelled "I'm so sorry" He continued to cry.

I continued to stare at him, my back slumped into the seat for I could no longer lift myself up, I felt paralyzed almost, and I had no strength to move. My eyes were beginning to droop, I could see my lashes as they flashed in front of my face, up down up down. It made the light spark through under my lashes as they would fall, it was quite pretty and I wanted to keep my eyes as they were so I could enjoy something about the night "Taylor" Tom said, chocking back on his tears "Taylor!" He snapped "Open your eyes" He said before giving me a nudge.

I mumbled and only managed to nudge a finger "Open your eyes Taylor!" Tom snapped at me, I couldn't hear the cries in his voice anymore but panic.

I opened my eyes to see Tom staring straight at me, and I could see the sadness, the worry, the fear, I could see it all. Tom inhaled with relief "Don't close your eyes" He said before turning back to the road.

It was quiet, maybe I wasn't hearing anything at all, but that just made the sound of the horn honking and the screeching tires sound so much louder, so much closer, and so much more real.

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