Mr. Stranger

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The race was the same as every other race, Tom won but he didn't kill the man who came on to me; Kristina stopped him.

"Please Tom, he's one of my best racers, please don't kill him. I will make it up to you" She grabbed his dick and rubbed him hard.

Of course when a women toys with a mans manhood there going to feel differently about things.

"Taylor" Morgan whined from down the hall.

"What?" I called back, busy finishing off my dinner.

"I can't find my toothbrush" She said, stamping her feet beside me.

"How do you lose a toothbrush?" I said whilst chewing on my toast.

"I don't know, can you help me find it?" I sighed and dropped my toast.

"Fine" We made are way upstairs, Morgan skipping behind me "Mmm, this toast is good." I shot my head around and sighed at her as she munched on my left over toast. I couldn't help but to chuckle.

We made it to the bathroom, Morgan closing the door behind us "Are you excited?"

"Excited about what?"

"A whole weekend to ourselves!" She cheered, trying to keep it as low as she could with all the excitement building inside of her.

"Yeah I guess"

Morgan scoffed at my words "Aren't you supposed to be helping me find this toothbrush?"

"Oh yeah" Morgan started looking "It's going to be so great, we will go out clubbing and then the next night...go out clubbing" She beamed a smile.

"Sure" I laughed.

"Taylor!" I sighed, why is everyone calling my name today?

"Let's go see what they want" We made are way downstairs, Ria and Lauren already down there.

Tom looked up at me and smiled, his smile is so hard to describe but I can describe what it does to me. It makes my heart ache, like its sinking because it has such an effect on me, it hurts to see his smile because it's so beautiful "What's happening?" I asked, leaning against the stairs rail.

"We're going" Bill said, a sad face on.

Ria snuggled up next to him, the same thing happened that has been happening for the last week. Bill shrugged her off, it was killing her, I'd have her in my room crying because he wouldn't even look at her, he was so ashamed.

"We will be back Sunday afternoon or morning, depends how we go." Tom said.

"Yeah, so no getting drunk or partying because we will know." Morgan pouted at Georg's words.

"Well, were off then." Tom said, stepping back a little as Morgan ran past him and jumping into Gustav's arms.

I didn't know how she forgave him for wanting to kill us all, it really shocked me how much these girls let loose. Tom walked over to me and I looked down, my face flushing red "I don't get a hug?" He asked, his head was tilted and I could feel his warmth.

I leant up and slightly kissing him on the cheek, I may love him but I'm in no situation to admit that and act like a couple with him. One, he still calls me his pet, two he sleeps with other girls (mainly Kristina) and three he kidnapped me. "Is that all?"

I nodded and he sighed a little "Fine." And with that he grabbed his duffel bag and walked out the door.
The other girls ran outside to wave goodbye but I just leant in the doorframe, watching wearily "Were free!" Ria screamed as the three of them ran up to me "Let's fucking party!"

My Living Nightmare - Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now