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Tom took a sharp turn "Woo!" He cheered "Yeah baby" He said, giving my leg a rub, causing me to shove it away from him.

He sighed in annoyance "Relax Taylor, all the girls love it when I take them out for a race" Tom said with a big smile on his face; he was acting normal, like he used to before all the drama, he treated me as if we hadn't been through anything together, as if he never raped me, never put me in the hospital or anything.

"Well I don't" I said as I looked out the window.

I could see Tom in the reflection on the window; he had 'the look'. I would try and use an example of this look he uses but it was originally his. It was sad, yet angry yet sympathetic, his big brown eyes went all gooey yet his face was so stone like. Tom looked away to turn up his stereo, obviously not wanting to deal with the silence I was creating, the tension. Tom drove on like a maniac, just not so enthusiastic about all the stunts anymore. He came to the long road, now I remember this road very clearly, I don't know why, I've only been down it a few times yet it gives me this scary dangerous vibe, maybe because it was on the side of a cliff?

It was a wide enough road for two cars but because these boys likes to have there room they took up the whole road, almost scraping the cars against each other as one would try to overtake the other, once Bill or some other gang member game enough to race these boys try to overtake Tom, I get this sudden burst of fear, I start to clench the car seat beneath me, squeezing my fingers tightly round the leather. I would almost brace myself for impact, taking in a breath and holding it, waiting for something, anything to hit me hard; I would never close my eyes though. For some reason I couldn't tear my eyes away from the road, I had to stare into that pit of darkness only inches away from the car. Once the car passed or most likely failed back I would unclench my sweaty fingers, let go of that last breath of hope and close my eyes. Tom came to notice this little act of mine, he never questioned it though, just watched on as I braced myself for some sort of impact, he would keep peeking looks at me while trying to stop the invading car from taking his thrown.

The long dark road finally came to an end and Tom laughed barely hearable over his blaring music he knew he was going to win, he always knew by the time he got to the end of this road. He roared down the street, glancing in his rearview mirror to see a very grumpy Bill. I too took a look back and saw Ria in the passenger seat with her knees up and nails in her face, she must also be grumpy, she only played with her nails when she was grumpy. Tom came to a screeching stop and I jerked forward before slamming back into my seat for he really stepped on it this time. I climbed out of the car, glad to be back on land as Tom went over to Bill, giving him a pat on the back causing Bill to pout.

"You guys are way to slow for us" Tom said as the gang game enough to race Tom and his boys climbed out of there cars.

I watched as the crowd began to pile in, congratulating the boys "You got lucky" One of the boys said as he walked towards Tom.

"I must be a very lucky man, I always win" Tom snickered in the man's face, as if taunting him to make a move on him.

I watched from the car, sitting on the hood as Tom and this Japanese man got very close, there bodies uptight and threatening "You must've cheated" The man shouted at Tom.

Tom laughed "No, you're just very slow" Tom said.

The Japanese man clenched his fists before taking a swing at Tom's face, Tom knew the man was pissed but he didn't think he would take it this far. Tom took a hard blow to the face, stumbling to his right. Bill, Gustav and George all ran towards the man, ready to hold him down for Tom to do as he please, but Tom motioned for them to stop "I can handle this" Tom said before taking a swing at the mans face.

My Living Nightmare - Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now