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Everything is black, until I open my eyes. The room is bright, the curtains are drawn and the sun is shining through the windows so elegantly that the room is drowning in the pinks and purple's that surround me. I take a look down, my cut, it's gone, and there isn't even a scar. I run my fingers over my wrist, amazed at how it feels as though I was never stabbed so deeply by Tom Kaulitz blade. I suddenly cringed, Tom Kaulitz. I grabbed the covers and threw them from my body before jumping to the side of the bed and walking to the door. I slowly twisted the handle and opened the door, scared at what I may come to find. I opened the door and came across a large meadow, the sun was shining warmly among the grass and the warmth of the meadow hit me softly, like an angel wrapping her feathered wings around me. I took a look ahead of me; I went to step forward but stopped once I heard the loud excited cry of a young girl "Mummy!"

I turned, startled by the sweet little voice. Right ahead of me, was a young little girl running straight for me. She had soft light red hair that swayed in the wind behind her as she ran as fast as she could towards me. As she got closer I could see her blue eyes, blue sparkling eyes, just like the ocean on a hot day when the sun is shining bright on its waters. The girl was at me now, crashing into my legs and wrapping her little arms around them for dear life "Mummy your back!" She cried, tears swelling in her eyes.

"Uh" I was lost for words "I'm sorry sweetie, I'm not your mummy" I said as I patted the girl on the head.

"Don't play games mummy, I've missed you so much, daddy said you had left us to go to a special place were we would meet up someday" She sniffled a little "Daddy said that you were with angels, so I cursed at the angels everyday mummy, hoping they would give you back, and it worked" She cried as she clung onto my legs ever so tightly.

I placed my hand on her head, am I dreaming? It wasn't until the little girl opened her squeezed shut eyes and looked up at me that my heart stopped beating. She looked just like...just like...Tom.

"No!" I said, removing the girls arms from around me and stepping back from her "Th-this can't be" I said as I continued to step away from the girl.

"Mu-mummy?" She said, tears still sliding down her chubby little pink cheeks.

"You can't be...our...ugh" I shook my head "You cant be our...daughter" I said, I was now standing still staring at the little girl as though she was a monster, tears beginning to stream down my face.

She stared at me, her big blue eyes glistening as some fresh tears began to roll down her face, and all I could see was Tom when I looked at her and all I felt was pain when I saw her cry. I ran straight for her, wiping at my tears as I dived for her, wanting to grasp with my hands, hold her in my arms but she was already gone.

I was somewhere familiar now; I was standing in the middle of the road, watching as cars sped by not taking a simple glance at me. Something suddenly caught my eye and the sound of a horn repeatedly going off was humming in my head. I turned around and gasped in horror at what I was seeing. Tom's car was flipped, the front of the car pretty much mended into the road. I ran towards the crash "Tom!" I screamed "Tom!"
I ran around the other driver's car and to the drivers' seat of Tom's car. I got down on the ground and looked inside. There he was hanging upside down in his seat, just lying there quietly.

"Tom!" I screamed going to reach for him but I was stuck in place "Tom!" I went to scream his name again nut nothing came out.

All I could hear was that dam horn. Suddenly Tom moved in his seat, his eyes opened and he slightly shuffled in his seat "Tom!" I tried to scream but my mouth was muted.

Tom mumbled "Taylor" and turned to his left suddenly stiffening in his seat "Taylor!" He screamed with his entire existence.

That's when I saw her, me, hanging upside down, the seatbelt digging into my body, the only thing holding me up. My hair fell all around my face and blood dripped from my lips. Every time a drop of blood fell you would hear a little tap as it hit the broken glass.
He fought against his seatbelt, trying his best to undo it while getting to me at the same time. The buckle finally came undone and he fell to the floor, smashing his head into the broken windshield. He groaned and slowly got back up, turning his gaze back to me. I stayed still on all four's, just observing now, no longer filled with that desire to fight against this unknown power keeping me bound. Tom crawled over to me and brought his hands to my face "Taylor" He said, or should I say cried.

Tears were running down his face now, I had somehow moved to the other side of the car and I could see it all close up. Tom frantically reached for my seatbelt and undid it, protecting my body from the glass by letting myself fall onto him "Taylor!" Tom said in panic while brushing the hair out of my face.

He slid out of the car from beneath me and then dragged me out of the car. He swooped me up into his arms and began to limp away from the crash scene. He suddenly fell to his knees, keeping me in his arms. He placed me onto the ground and brought his ear to my mouth "Oh god Taylor" He said frantically thrusting his palms down onto my chest, trying to revive me.

He put his fingers to my mouth to part my lips. He placed his lips onto mine and blew his breaths of air into me. He pulled back, my blood now smudged onto his lips. He continued to try and revive me "Taylor please!" Tom screamed "Please!"
Thrust thrust "Please!" He screamed, his voice blew into my head, and erupted so clearly, so loudly.

I was gone again, my head shot upwards and my tears came to a slow roll down my cheeks. I was back in that meadow.

"She was here daddy, mummy was here!" That little voice, it was hers.

I looked up to see her standing up with her head tilted down and her hands clamped at her face wiping at her tears "I've already told you Ella, mummy is gone and, she's not coming back" He said to her, standing a foot away staring down at her fragile little body.

I was suddenly infuriated at him, he wasn't comforting her at all, he was getting angry with her "Da-daddy is using scary voice" Ella whimpered as she continued to wipe at her tears.

Tom suddenly slumped down onto the grass "I'm sorry baby" Tom said, sorrow clear in his voice, he used that tone with me once "you know how much I miss mummy" he said with his head down to the ground.

"I miss mummy too!" She snapped at Tom, she clearly had my attitude.

Tom looked up at her, she looked just like me now, that look in her eyes as she stared Tom down, I was looking at Tom just as she was most of the time, most of the time I was with Tom I was staring at him just as she was right now and I could see how much it broke his heart to see me inside of her "Come here baby!" Tom said as he opened his arms.

Ella immediately ran to her daddy, crashing into his arms and wrapping her arms around his neck "I miss mummy so much daddy, please bring her back" Ella cried into her daddy's neck.

A small tear slid down Tom's cheek "You know I would if I could baby, but mummy...has gone to heaven and she is with us everyday, she's an angel now"

Ella shot back from her father "But you said she was with the angel's" Ella said as she wiped away a tear.

"She is with the angels, she is also one of them" He said, smiling at the beautiful creation he and I had made.

Ella took in a sudden gasp "But, I've been cursing the angels" Ella said.

"Why would you do such a thing?" Tom said, looking his little girl in her blue eyes.

"Because, they took mummy from us" She said begging to cry again.

Tom sighed painfully and rubbed his thumb across his daughters' small sad face, removing the tear that had rolled down her cheek.

"Mummy and I are gone baby; forever"

My Living Nightmare - Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now